It's hard not to notice that modern telecommunications have seriously changed virtually every aspect of our life. Just ten years ago, we'd never heard of Google, a word that has since entered the dictionary. Five years ago, YouTube wasn't a household name. Just a year ago, nobody had even heard of Twitter. Now they're all huge parts of our society. After all, you're reading this article on your computer right now. Not surprisingly, advertising has sought to keep up with changing trends, to be relevant to a society raised on absolute communication.
Viral marketing is a broad term used to describe an advertising concept in which advertisers take advantage of people's social networks to increase brand awareness and product sales. While that probably sounds vague and arcane, it's actually quite simple. Viral marketing uses word of mouth to spread its message. The trick is to somehow inspire people to talk about your marketing gimmick in a way that raises product awareness and increases sales. The name "viral marketing" refers to the way the advertising spreads rapidly and organically, like a virus.
To do this, companies produce all sorts of alternative forms of advertising, from internet games to video clips, software, and even text messages. Marketers identify people or demographics most likely to respond to the advertising and spread it, and then tailor the campaign to these people. The basic premise is that once these people accept the advertising, they will begin to spread it to other people, which will spread to other people, and so on. Viral marketing has gotten so advanced that there are algorithms used to describe the rate with which it spreads, and the maximum solvency the advertising will achieve.
Some of the most famous examples of viral marketing include:
The ad campaign leading up to the 1999 film The Blair Witch Project, which involved web sites and publications which claimed that the film was factual rather than fictional.
In 2002, luxury car manufacturer BMW produced a series of short films featuring their cars. The directors ranged from famous to up-and-comers, including John Frankenheimer, Wong Kar-Wai, John Woo, and Tony Scott. The films starred Clive Owen, and developed a serious fan base.
Burger King is particularly known for the technique, including a website called "Subservient Chicken" which allowed visitors to type in requests that a video chicken would perform. Another campaign involved leaving wallets around certain American metropolitan areas. The wallets contained money and coupons for Burger King products and came with a note explaining the gimmick.
Viral marketing is just the latest attempt of advertising to communicate something unique and personal to the public.
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
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Sunday, 7 September 2014
Kata Mutiara Bijak Islami Penyejuk Qalbu
Kata mutiara bijak islami seperti halnya kata bijak yang lain berisikan nasehat nasehat atau motivasi yang sangat baik untuk kehidupan ini adapun yang membedakan nya hanyalah kata mutiara islami ini berisikan hadits ataupun firman Allah SWT,yang sudah barang tentu bisa dijadikan pegangan dalam kehidupan kita yang sesuai dengan ajaran islam.

Jika kita membaca mendengar dan bisa memahami juga mengamalkan arti atau makna dari sebuah kata mutiara islam sejatinya kita akan bisa menjalani kehidupan dengan bijaksana dengan begitu Insya Allah kehidupan kita bisa berkwalitas dan berharga juga memberikan manfaat bagi sesama.
Berikut kita mari simak Kata Mutiara Islami Penyejuk Qalbu yang sebagian besar berisi hadits hadits semoga dengan membacanya kita juga bisa menyerap dan mengamalkan nya untuk bekal menjalani kehidupan ini.
Jika Allah yang menjadi tujuan, kenapa harus dikalahkan oleh rintangan-rintangan yang kecil di hadapan Allah? Jika mencari nafkah merupakan ibadah, semakin kerja keras kita, insya Allah semakin besar pahala yang akan diberikan oleh Allah. Jika nafkah yang didapat merupakan bekal untuk beribadah, maka semakin banyak nafkah yang didapat, semakin banyak ibadah yang bisa dilakukan.
Cintailah kekasihmu sekedarnya saja, siapa tahu nanti akan jadi musuhmu. Dan bencilah musuhmu sekedarnya saja, siapa tahu nanti akan jadi kekasihmu. (Ali bin Abi Thalib)
” Orangtua adalah pintu surga yang paling tengah, apabila kau mau maka sia-siakanlah pintu tersebut atau peliharalah". (HR. Tirmidzi).
Barang siapa yang keluar untuk mencari ilmu maka ia berada di jalan Allah sampai ia kembali ( HR Tirmidzi)
”Sesungguhnya yang halal itu jelas dan yang haram itu jelas.” (HR. Bukhori dan Muslim)
Sebaik-baik wanita ialah yang paling ringan mas kawinnya. (HR. Ath-Thabrani)
Setiap orang yang berkhianat akan diberikan sebuah bendera sbg tanda pada Hari Kiamat nanti. ( HR. Bukhari - Muslim )
Barangsiapa yang meninggalkan sesuatu karena Allah, maka Allah akan memberinya ganti yang lebih baik.(HR.Ahmad)
Ketaqwaan itu sumbernya di sini.' Seraya beliau (Rasulullah ) mengisyaratkan kepada dadanya.(HR.Muslim)
Barangsiapa memperbaiki apa yang dirahasiakannya, maka Allah akan memperbaiki apa yang dilahirkannya (terang-terangan).(HR. Al-Hakim)
Tiada datang kepadamu zaman kecuali yang sesudahnya lebih buruk daripada yang sebelumnya sampai kamu berjumpa dengan Allah. (HR.Ahmad)
Ya Allah, cucilah dosa2ku dgn air es & salju, bersihkanlah hatiku dari dosa2ku sbg pakaian yg putih dibersihkan dari kotoran.(HR.Muslim)
Muslim yang satu adalah bersaudara dengan muslim yang lain. Maka ia tidak boleh mengkhianati, mendustakan dan membiarkannya.(HR.Tirmidzi)
Hari ini waktunya beramal tanpa perhitungan. Sdg di akhirat nanti waktunya perhitungan & tak ada lagi amal perbuatan. ~Ali bin Abi Thalib~
Ya Tuhan kami, berilah kepada kami kebaikan di dunia dan kebaikan di akhirat. (Muttafaq'alaih)
Kemuliaan seseorang adlh agamanya, harga dirinya (kehormatannya) adlh akalnya,sedangkan ketinggian kedudukannya adlh akhlaknya. (HR.Ahmad)
Orang yang paling jauh dariku pada hari kiamat adalah orang yang banyak omong, yang membual, serta menyombongkan diri. (HR.Ahmad)
Ya Allah, aku berlindung pada-Mu dr rasa gelisah & sedih, lemah & malas, pengecut & kikir,dibebani hutang & dikuasai manusia.(HR.Bukhari)
Janganlah mencari rezeki dengan berbuat maksiat, karena karunia Allah tidaklah didapat dengan perbuatan maksiat. (HR. Al-Hakim)
3 amalan yg disukai Allah; sholat tepat waktu, berbuat baik kepada orang tua, dan jihad di jalan Allah.(Muttafaq'alaih)
Diantara dosa-dosa besar adalah berkata kasarnya seseorang kepada kedua orang tuanya. (HR.Bukhari)
Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari kesempitan dunia dan kesempitan hari kiamat.(HR.Abu Daud)
Carilah rezeki dari Allah dan janganlah menjadi beban bagi kaum muslimin.(Sufyan Ats Tsauri)
Tidak beriman salah seorang di antara kamu hingga dia mencintai untuk saudaranya apa yang dia cintai untuk dirinya sendiri.(HR.Bukhari)
Wahai para pedagang, sesungguhnya setan dan dosa hadir dalam jual-beli. Maka iringilah jual-belimu dengan banyak bersedekah.(HR.Tirmidzi)
“Hati-hatilah pada dunia dan hati-hatilah pada wanita karena fitnah pertama bagi Bani Isroil adalah karena wanita.” (HR. Muslim)
“Doa kalian pasti akan dikabulkan,slama ia tdk trburu2,yaitu dg brkata:aku tlah brdoa,akan ttpi tdk kunjung dikabulkan.(Muttafaqun ‘alaih)
“Ya Allah, limpahkanlah ketaqwaan kepada jiwaku dan sucikanlah. Engkau adalah sebaik-baik Dzat Yang Mensucikan jiwaku.” (HR. Muslim)
.Sesungguhnya hanya orang-orang yang bersabarlah Yang dicukupkan pahala mereka tanpa batas.(Az Zumar:10)
“Orang yang ridha Allah sebagai Rabb, Islam sebagai agama dan Muhammad sebagai rasul, niscaya akan merasakan kelezatan iman.” [HR. Muslim].
“Dan taatlah kepada Allah dan Rasul (Muhammad) agar kalian diberikan rahmat.” (QS. Ali ‘Imran: 132)
Sombong adalah menolak kebenaran dan meremehkan orang lain.(HR. Muslim)
Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang sombong lagi membanggakan diri.” (QS. Luqman:18)
“Sesungguhnya Dia tidak menyukai orang-orang yang menyombongkan diri.” (QS. An Nahl: 23)
Beruntunglah orang yg berislam, dikaruniai rezeki yg cukup, & dia dijadikan menerima apapun yg dikaruniakan Allah (kepadanya).(HR.Muslim)
Ya Allah, sehatkanlah badanku. Ya Allah sehatkanlah pendengaranku. Ya Allah sehatkanlah penglihatanku. (HR.Abu Daud)
Wanita dinikahi krn 4 hal, krn harta kekayaannya, kedudukannya, kecantikannya & krn agamanya. Hendaknya pilihlah hal agamanya.(HR.Muslim)
Di antara akhlak seorang mukmin adalah baik dalam berbicara, tekun bila mendengarkan, berwajah ceria, dan menepati janji.(HR. Ad-Dailami)
Ya Allah, aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari fitnah, dan azab neraka, serta dari keburukan kekayaan dan kefakiran.(HR.Abu Daud).
Termasuk dari kesempurnaan keislaman seseorang adalah meninggalkan hal yang tidak bermanfaat.(HR.Tirmidzi)
Orangtua adalah pintu surga yang paling tengah, apabila kamu mau maka sia-siakanlah pintu tersebut atau peliharalah.(HR.Tirmidzi)
Seseorang yg membaca tasbih seratus kali itu dituliskan baginya seribu kebaikan atau dihapuskan baginya seribu dosa.(HR.Muslim)
Ya Allah ampunilah ksalahan,kebodohan & keterlaluanku dlm sgala urusan. Ampuni pula sgl dosa yg Engkau lbh mngetahui drpd aku. (HR.Muslim)
Kami tidak menurunkan Al-Qur'an ini kepadamu agar kamu menjadi susah. (Thaha:2)
Allah lebih mengetahui terhadap apa yang mereka lakukan sejak mereka diciptakan.(HR.Bukhari,Muslim)
Seorang mukmin yang kuat lebih baik dan lebih disukai Allah daripada seorang mukmin yang lemah dalam segala kebaikan.(HR.Muslim)
Tidak kecewa orang yang istikharah, tidak menyesal orang yang bermusyawarah & tidak akan melarat orang yang hemat.(HR.Thabrani)
Kejujuran adalah ketentraman, dan kebohongan adalah kebimbangan. (HR.Tirmidzi)
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, bertobatlah kepada Allah dengan taubat yang semurni-murninya." (QS. Al-Tahrim: 8)
Gunakan waktu sebaik mungkin.Tak ada yg harus disesali.Waktu akan terus berganti dan hanya yg terbaik yg harus kita tuju.
Tidak ada orang yang kurang atau lebih rendah daripada orang lain, karena sesungguhnya dia hanya berbeda.
Takutlah kalian terhadap sikap kikir, karena sesungguhnya kikir itu telah membinasakan orang2 sebelum kalian.(HR Muslim)
Tidak ada yang dapat menolak takdir kecuali do'a, dan tidak ada yang menambah umur kecuali kebaikan. (HR. At-Tirmidzi)
Azab yang paling ringan di neraka pada hari kiamat ialah dua butir bara api di kedua telapak kakinya yang dapat merebus otak. (HR. Tirmidzi)
Apabila diserukan untuk shalat datangilah dg berjalan dgn tenang.Apa yg dapat kamu ikuti shalatlah dan yg tertinggal lengkapilah.(HR. Ahmad)
Orang yang memutus hubungan kekeluargaan tidak akan masuk surga. (Mutafaq'alaih)
Bagi tiap sesuatu terdapat ujian dan cobaan, dan ujian serta cobaan terhadap umatku ialah harta-benda. (HR. Tirmidzi)
Barangsiapa mengutamakan kecintaan Allah atas kecintaan manusia maka Allah akan melindunginya dari beban gangguan manusia. (HR. Ad-Dailami)
Dan tolong-menolonglah kalian dalam melaksanakan kebajikan dan takwa, dan jangan tolong-menolong dalam dosa dan permusuhan”. (Al-Mâidah : 2)
Nak..Jangan pernah menghitung apa yang telah kau berikan, tapi ingatlah apa yang telah kau terima
Belum akan datang kiamat sehingga seorang membunuh tetangganya, saudaranya dan ayahnya. (HR. Bukhari)
Tiap tubuh yang tumbuh dari (makanan) yang haram maka api neraka lebih utama membakarnya. (HR. Ath-Thabrani)
Barangsiapa memaafkan saat dia mampu membalas maka Allah akan memberinya maaf pada hari kesulitan. (HR. Ath-Thabrani)
Barangsiapa meninggalkan shalat Ashar dengan sengaja maka Allah akan menggagalkan amalannya (usahanya). (HR. Bukhari)

Jika kita membaca mendengar dan bisa memahami juga mengamalkan arti atau makna dari sebuah kata mutiara islam sejatinya kita akan bisa menjalani kehidupan dengan bijaksana dengan begitu Insya Allah kehidupan kita bisa berkwalitas dan berharga juga memberikan manfaat bagi sesama.
Berikut kita mari simak Kata Mutiara Islami Penyejuk Qalbu yang sebagian besar berisi hadits hadits semoga dengan membacanya kita juga bisa menyerap dan mengamalkan nya untuk bekal menjalani kehidupan ini.
Jika Allah yang menjadi tujuan, kenapa harus dikalahkan oleh rintangan-rintangan yang kecil di hadapan Allah? Jika mencari nafkah merupakan ibadah, semakin kerja keras kita, insya Allah semakin besar pahala yang akan diberikan oleh Allah. Jika nafkah yang didapat merupakan bekal untuk beribadah, maka semakin banyak nafkah yang didapat, semakin banyak ibadah yang bisa dilakukan.
Cintailah kekasihmu sekedarnya saja, siapa tahu nanti akan jadi musuhmu. Dan bencilah musuhmu sekedarnya saja, siapa tahu nanti akan jadi kekasihmu. (Ali bin Abi Thalib)
” Orangtua adalah pintu surga yang paling tengah, apabila kau mau maka sia-siakanlah pintu tersebut atau peliharalah". (HR. Tirmidzi).
Barang siapa yang keluar untuk mencari ilmu maka ia berada di jalan Allah sampai ia kembali ( HR Tirmidzi)
”Sesungguhnya yang halal itu jelas dan yang haram itu jelas.” (HR. Bukhori dan Muslim)
Sebaik-baik wanita ialah yang paling ringan mas kawinnya. (HR. Ath-Thabrani)
Setiap orang yang berkhianat akan diberikan sebuah bendera sbg tanda pada Hari Kiamat nanti. ( HR. Bukhari - Muslim )
Barangsiapa yang meninggalkan sesuatu karena Allah, maka Allah akan memberinya ganti yang lebih baik.(HR.Ahmad)
Ketaqwaan itu sumbernya di sini.' Seraya beliau (Rasulullah ) mengisyaratkan kepada dadanya.(HR.Muslim)
Barangsiapa memperbaiki apa yang dirahasiakannya, maka Allah akan memperbaiki apa yang dilahirkannya (terang-terangan).(HR. Al-Hakim)
Tiada datang kepadamu zaman kecuali yang sesudahnya lebih buruk daripada yang sebelumnya sampai kamu berjumpa dengan Allah. (HR.Ahmad)
Ya Allah, cucilah dosa2ku dgn air es & salju, bersihkanlah hatiku dari dosa2ku sbg pakaian yg putih dibersihkan dari kotoran.(HR.Muslim)
Muslim yang satu adalah bersaudara dengan muslim yang lain. Maka ia tidak boleh mengkhianati, mendustakan dan membiarkannya.(HR.Tirmidzi)
Hari ini waktunya beramal tanpa perhitungan. Sdg di akhirat nanti waktunya perhitungan & tak ada lagi amal perbuatan. ~Ali bin Abi Thalib~
Ya Tuhan kami, berilah kepada kami kebaikan di dunia dan kebaikan di akhirat. (Muttafaq'alaih)
Kemuliaan seseorang adlh agamanya, harga dirinya (kehormatannya) adlh akalnya,sedangkan ketinggian kedudukannya adlh akhlaknya. (HR.Ahmad)
Orang yang paling jauh dariku pada hari kiamat adalah orang yang banyak omong, yang membual, serta menyombongkan diri. (HR.Ahmad)
Ya Allah, aku berlindung pada-Mu dr rasa gelisah & sedih, lemah & malas, pengecut & kikir,dibebani hutang & dikuasai manusia.(HR.Bukhari)
Janganlah mencari rezeki dengan berbuat maksiat, karena karunia Allah tidaklah didapat dengan perbuatan maksiat. (HR. Al-Hakim)
3 amalan yg disukai Allah; sholat tepat waktu, berbuat baik kepada orang tua, dan jihad di jalan Allah.(Muttafaq'alaih)
Diantara dosa-dosa besar adalah berkata kasarnya seseorang kepada kedua orang tuanya. (HR.Bukhari)
Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari kesempitan dunia dan kesempitan hari kiamat.(HR.Abu Daud)
Carilah rezeki dari Allah dan janganlah menjadi beban bagi kaum muslimin.(Sufyan Ats Tsauri)
Tidak beriman salah seorang di antara kamu hingga dia mencintai untuk saudaranya apa yang dia cintai untuk dirinya sendiri.(HR.Bukhari)
Wahai para pedagang, sesungguhnya setan dan dosa hadir dalam jual-beli. Maka iringilah jual-belimu dengan banyak bersedekah.(HR.Tirmidzi)
“Hati-hatilah pada dunia dan hati-hatilah pada wanita karena fitnah pertama bagi Bani Isroil adalah karena wanita.” (HR. Muslim)
“Doa kalian pasti akan dikabulkan,slama ia tdk trburu2,yaitu dg brkata:aku tlah brdoa,akan ttpi tdk kunjung dikabulkan.(Muttafaqun ‘alaih)
“Ya Allah, limpahkanlah ketaqwaan kepada jiwaku dan sucikanlah. Engkau adalah sebaik-baik Dzat Yang Mensucikan jiwaku.” (HR. Muslim)
.Sesungguhnya hanya orang-orang yang bersabarlah Yang dicukupkan pahala mereka tanpa batas.(Az Zumar:10)
“Orang yang ridha Allah sebagai Rabb, Islam sebagai agama dan Muhammad sebagai rasul, niscaya akan merasakan kelezatan iman.” [HR. Muslim].
“Dan taatlah kepada Allah dan Rasul (Muhammad) agar kalian diberikan rahmat.” (QS. Ali ‘Imran: 132)
Sombong adalah menolak kebenaran dan meremehkan orang lain.(HR. Muslim)
Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang sombong lagi membanggakan diri.” (QS. Luqman:18)
“Sesungguhnya Dia tidak menyukai orang-orang yang menyombongkan diri.” (QS. An Nahl: 23)
Beruntunglah orang yg berislam, dikaruniai rezeki yg cukup, & dia dijadikan menerima apapun yg dikaruniakan Allah (kepadanya).(HR.Muslim)
Ya Allah, sehatkanlah badanku. Ya Allah sehatkanlah pendengaranku. Ya Allah sehatkanlah penglihatanku. (HR.Abu Daud)
Wanita dinikahi krn 4 hal, krn harta kekayaannya, kedudukannya, kecantikannya & krn agamanya. Hendaknya pilihlah hal agamanya.(HR.Muslim)
Di antara akhlak seorang mukmin adalah baik dalam berbicara, tekun bila mendengarkan, berwajah ceria, dan menepati janji.(HR. Ad-Dailami)
Ya Allah, aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari fitnah, dan azab neraka, serta dari keburukan kekayaan dan kefakiran.(HR.Abu Daud).
Termasuk dari kesempurnaan keislaman seseorang adalah meninggalkan hal yang tidak bermanfaat.(HR.Tirmidzi)
Orangtua adalah pintu surga yang paling tengah, apabila kamu mau maka sia-siakanlah pintu tersebut atau peliharalah.(HR.Tirmidzi)
Seseorang yg membaca tasbih seratus kali itu dituliskan baginya seribu kebaikan atau dihapuskan baginya seribu dosa.(HR.Muslim)
Ya Allah ampunilah ksalahan,kebodohan & keterlaluanku dlm sgala urusan. Ampuni pula sgl dosa yg Engkau lbh mngetahui drpd aku. (HR.Muslim)
Kami tidak menurunkan Al-Qur'an ini kepadamu agar kamu menjadi susah. (Thaha:2)
Allah lebih mengetahui terhadap apa yang mereka lakukan sejak mereka diciptakan.(HR.Bukhari,Muslim)
Seorang mukmin yang kuat lebih baik dan lebih disukai Allah daripada seorang mukmin yang lemah dalam segala kebaikan.(HR.Muslim)
Tidak kecewa orang yang istikharah, tidak menyesal orang yang bermusyawarah & tidak akan melarat orang yang hemat.(HR.Thabrani)
Kejujuran adalah ketentraman, dan kebohongan adalah kebimbangan. (HR.Tirmidzi)
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, bertobatlah kepada Allah dengan taubat yang semurni-murninya." (QS. Al-Tahrim: 8)
Gunakan waktu sebaik mungkin.Tak ada yg harus disesali.Waktu akan terus berganti dan hanya yg terbaik yg harus kita tuju.
Tidak ada orang yang kurang atau lebih rendah daripada orang lain, karena sesungguhnya dia hanya berbeda.
Takutlah kalian terhadap sikap kikir, karena sesungguhnya kikir itu telah membinasakan orang2 sebelum kalian.(HR Muslim)
Tidak ada yang dapat menolak takdir kecuali do'a, dan tidak ada yang menambah umur kecuali kebaikan. (HR. At-Tirmidzi)
Azab yang paling ringan di neraka pada hari kiamat ialah dua butir bara api di kedua telapak kakinya yang dapat merebus otak. (HR. Tirmidzi)
Apabila diserukan untuk shalat datangilah dg berjalan dgn tenang.Apa yg dapat kamu ikuti shalatlah dan yg tertinggal lengkapilah.(HR. Ahmad)
Orang yang memutus hubungan kekeluargaan tidak akan masuk surga. (Mutafaq'alaih)
Bagi tiap sesuatu terdapat ujian dan cobaan, dan ujian serta cobaan terhadap umatku ialah harta-benda. (HR. Tirmidzi)
Barangsiapa mengutamakan kecintaan Allah atas kecintaan manusia maka Allah akan melindunginya dari beban gangguan manusia. (HR. Ad-Dailami)
Dan tolong-menolonglah kalian dalam melaksanakan kebajikan dan takwa, dan jangan tolong-menolong dalam dosa dan permusuhan”. (Al-Mâidah : 2)
Nak..Jangan pernah menghitung apa yang telah kau berikan, tapi ingatlah apa yang telah kau terima
Belum akan datang kiamat sehingga seorang membunuh tetangganya, saudaranya dan ayahnya. (HR. Bukhari)
Tiap tubuh yang tumbuh dari (makanan) yang haram maka api neraka lebih utama membakarnya. (HR. Ath-Thabrani)
Barangsiapa memaafkan saat dia mampu membalas maka Allah akan memberinya maaf pada hari kesulitan. (HR. Ath-Thabrani)
Barangsiapa meninggalkan shalat Ashar dengan sengaja maka Allah akan menggagalkan amalannya (usahanya). (HR. Bukhari)
Saturday, 6 September 2014
What you need to know for Gangster Child Costume

Gangster Child Costume
One must dress well to pull off the kids of crimes that were expected during the 1920s. The Kids Gangster Costume includes a pin-striped suit consisting of a jacket and pants and a dickie with an attached white tie. This outfit screams class, and it would be a fine idea to pair it with a matching fedora hat and a novelty gun, both of which can be found in the accessories page.
List Price : $42.38 Price : $30.11

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Size: S
Includes: Jacket, pants and dickey with attached tie
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1920's style gangster costumes, flapper costumes, marilyn monroe dresses, zoot suit costumes and accessories.
Gangster Costumes - Kids, Adult, Sexy Gangster Halloween ...
Our adult gangster costumes are great for adults and kids. Get a sexy womens gangster or a mens adult gangster costume this Halloween with accessories.
Our adult gangster costumes are great for adults and kids. Get a sexy womens gangster or a mens adult gangster costume this Halloween with accessories.
Child Gangster Costumes - Kids, Teen Gangster Halloween ...
Offers a large selection of kids and child gangster costumes. Also find gangster costumes for toddlers and teens.
Offers a large selection of kids and child gangster costumes. Also find gangster costumes for toddlers and teens.
Gangster Costumes - Mens, Womens and Kids Gangster ...
Get a great gangster suit from Halloween . We carry Gangster costumes for women and men. Find a gangster suit for adults or kids this Halloween.
Get a great gangster suit from Halloween . We carry Gangster costumes for women and men. Find a gangster suit for adults or kids this Halloween.
Buy Gangster Costumes - Mens, Womens Sexy Halloween ...
Find sexy gangster girl costumes and mens gangster Halloween costumes. Offers mens and womens gangster costume for halloween. Also get kids costumes and many ...
Find sexy gangster girl costumes and mens gangster Halloween costumes. Offers mens and womens gangster costume for halloween. Also get kids costumes and many ...
Child Gangster Costumes - Kids Gangster Girl & Boy ...
Get child gangster costumes for your boys and girls this Halloween. We have gangster toddler costumes and boys gangster Halloween costumes in the classic style.
Get child gangster costumes for your boys and girls this Halloween. We have gangster toddler costumes and boys gangster Halloween costumes in the classic style.
Gangster Costumes : Buy a Gangster Costume
Find the best Gangster Costumes for Halloween 2014 for sale online here!
Find the best Gangster Costumes for Halloween 2014 for sale online here!
Gangster and Gangster Moll Costumes - Candy Apple Costumes ...
See yourself as a modern day Bonnie and Clyde in our gangster suits, zoot suits, and sexy gangster moll costumes. Pair your gangster costume with a gangster moll
See yourself as a modern day Bonnie and Clyde in our gangster suits, zoot suits, and sexy gangster moll costumes. Pair your gangster costume with a gangster moll
Gangster Girl Child Costume – Spirit Halloween
Gangster Girl child costume includes a black and pink pinstripe jacket, pants and hat along with a white dickey with black necktie. Shoes and fake gun not included.
Gangster Girl child costume includes a black and pink pinstripe jacket, pants and hat along with a white dickey with black necktie. Shoes and fake gun not included.
Friday, 5 September 2014
Making Your Video Become Viral
One of the most important things to make your video quality increase is an acceptable length. All the net is a twitter with bite-sized content that goes away the reader/viewer/visitor eager for more. It is not necessary to show off everthing about you company, service or product, you just need to remember that your video is there to get the world out.
A viral video creates awareness of your brand. Leave the information part to links - to your website or blog - where the visitor can follow up. If you absolutely can rise your chances of hooking an endless stream of viewers by keeping your video on point and under three minutes.
Tone is another key factor that can push your video over the friends-and-family threshold. By enhancing already familiar content, you'll give your video a built-in audience and you'll give the viewer a common experience to share with friends and co-workers. If you don't have the means to create original music, then be sure to add pre-cleared, up-tempo music available through online music websites that offer usage licenses.
If you're going for a retro fit, you can also use any music that is considered public domain. (Do your online verification and remember that if the music is Mozart, but is performed by a top-ten pop artist, the recording is not in the public domain.) Music keeps fast-surfing viewers satisfied and more motivated to spread the word.
For content that demands slower-paced music, consider a well-paced edit that keeps the excitement high and makes your video sticky. Viewers may immediately want to watch it again.
In general, videos that keep it light, entertaining and fun while packing in a quick laugh give the viewer a better gift to pass along. The broader the humor and the less it relates to unknown people, places or events, the more likely it is to have a wide appeal. Like a lead-in to any written article or oral presentation, cut to the meat of your video and wow the viewer within the first few seconds.
A terrific opening sparks laughter, creates curiosity, and induces shock, disbelief, admiration or a strong emotion.
Understand why people with five or ten disposable minutes in their day respond to certain web content. They typically want information or they want to be entertained. Because videos are visual they are better suited for entertainment than detailed information. Content that is fun is more "video virable" than lengthy explanations and exhaustive research.
By steering clear of making your video play like your company's Power Point presentation or an infomercial laden with corporate speak, logos and references, your video can land agenda-free into the lives of viewers who are just looking for a fun, quick minute. Nobody wants to stumble upon homework, brochures or sermons.
If you're posting on YouTube make sure to include key tag phrases that give your video a visible ranking in search engines. Set up a personalized YouTube Channel where you can upload additional, related video content so that viewers can follow up and learn more.
Include relevant links in the informational portion of your channel and use the written synopsis box for each video to include calls-to-action.
Your video can quickly go viral without you striving to mention it to every stranger you meet in the supermarket. Equipped with the right mix of qualities, it won't rely on you to replicate its website DNA in the inboxes of your target audience. It will know how to get there on its own and it will do so with great flair and plenty of speed.
A viral video creates awareness of your brand. Leave the information part to links - to your website or blog - where the visitor can follow up. If you absolutely can rise your chances of hooking an endless stream of viewers by keeping your video on point and under three minutes.
Tone is another key factor that can push your video over the friends-and-family threshold. By enhancing already familiar content, you'll give your video a built-in audience and you'll give the viewer a common experience to share with friends and co-workers. If you don't have the means to create original music, then be sure to add pre-cleared, up-tempo music available through online music websites that offer usage licenses.
If you're going for a retro fit, you can also use any music that is considered public domain. (Do your online verification and remember that if the music is Mozart, but is performed by a top-ten pop artist, the recording is not in the public domain.) Music keeps fast-surfing viewers satisfied and more motivated to spread the word.
For content that demands slower-paced music, consider a well-paced edit that keeps the excitement high and makes your video sticky. Viewers may immediately want to watch it again.
In general, videos that keep it light, entertaining and fun while packing in a quick laugh give the viewer a better gift to pass along. The broader the humor and the less it relates to unknown people, places or events, the more likely it is to have a wide appeal. Like a lead-in to any written article or oral presentation, cut to the meat of your video and wow the viewer within the first few seconds.
A terrific opening sparks laughter, creates curiosity, and induces shock, disbelief, admiration or a strong emotion.
Understand why people with five or ten disposable minutes in their day respond to certain web content. They typically want information or they want to be entertained. Because videos are visual they are better suited for entertainment than detailed information. Content that is fun is more "video virable" than lengthy explanations and exhaustive research.
By steering clear of making your video play like your company's Power Point presentation or an infomercial laden with corporate speak, logos and references, your video can land agenda-free into the lives of viewers who are just looking for a fun, quick minute. Nobody wants to stumble upon homework, brochures or sermons.
If you're posting on YouTube make sure to include key tag phrases that give your video a visible ranking in search engines. Set up a personalized YouTube Channel where you can upload additional, related video content so that viewers can follow up and learn more.
Include relevant links in the informational portion of your channel and use the written synopsis box for each video to include calls-to-action.
Your video can quickly go viral without you striving to mention it to every stranger you meet in the supermarket. Equipped with the right mix of qualities, it won't rely on you to replicate its website DNA in the inboxes of your target audience. It will know how to get there on its own and it will do so with great flair and plenty of speed.
Thursday, 4 September 2014
What you need to know for Bling Jewelry Tree of Life Dangle Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Bling Jewelry Tree of Life Dangle Earrings 925 Sterling Silver
Feel spiritually divine when you wear our elegant Silver Tree of Life Dangle Earrings. The tree of life is all about the interconnectivity of all living things on earth, and is the perfect accessory to show you are a loving spiritual soul. These fabulous pair of tree of life earrings are simply stunning. Finely crafted from .925 sterling silver, these enchanting yet affordable dangle earrings have a swirly open tree design, and will dazzle with every move you make. Perfect to wear with a casual or formal outfit, these pair of chic and elegant Tree of life jewelry is always popular because of the earthy design that it has, and is the perfect present for nature lovers or anyone on your holiday gift list.
List Price : $81.99 Price : $39.99

Here is why i think all of you should buy Bling Jewelry Tree of Life Dangle Earrings 925 Sterling Silver
Tree of Life dangle earrings
1in L x 1in W
.925 Sterling silver
Total Weight 4.4 grams
pierced ears only
Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Bling Jewelry Tree of Life Dangle Earrings 925 Sterling Silver this month.

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Jewellery or jewelry is small decorative items worn for personal adornment, such as brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Jewellery may be attached to ...
Jewellery or jewelry is small decorative items worn for personal adornment, such as brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Jewellery may be attached to ...
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Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Womens Fashion Methods for Spring Fashion
Knowing that, given that we're also nearing eliminate snowstorms and shut to warmer weather it really is get more spring wardrobe which means you are prepared from your very first time you walk out your doorstep in the breezy oxygen of spring. To acquire to this date however you might want to consider the examples below trends and techniques for dressing right this spring.
First of all, this spring the military designs of winter will carry over, only now they're going to worked into lighter materials. You should not go awry with any spring jacket or raincoat featuring a military barred style about the front or buttons through the breast.
While you can easily still make do with short hipster raincoats, the structure is slowly switching towards longer beneath the butt length and perhaps to the knee for those who pair the coat which has a nice list of suede or leather boots to elongate your legs.
Bulimia in spring designs could be the abstract trend, also is sometimes often called the architectural design, and is particularly illuminating the catwalks across the world. The essence of this fashion trend is sharp cuts and accents that truly create a shirt, dress, or skirt look sharp, edgy and modern. Traditionally should you adhere to soft hues with sharp black edging or accents you may be ok, but if you wish to push the structure envelope you might want to you could make your own abstract clothing by pairing solids with sharp jewelry that sticks out across the clothing.
These are dresses, in 2010 in Fashion online length is essential as very short and intensely long is significantly out. Although last autumn may have been packed with tights and short sweaters creating the mini look, minis remain greatly out and you need to be careful to pick a much more modest length if you want to take fashion. While mid thigh lengths are ok, the most beneficial cut for some dresses and skirts during spring are going to be gently through the knee while there is room for a little variation. Extremely long is also out so stay away from the flowing look.
Finally, should you the last thing that you'll need in your closet this spring a few floral prints, but is not the larger floral prints that produce you search like drapes. Instead, choose floral prints that are small and detailed and show off a lot more like prints then flowers.
Pair this look which has a military jacket or tunic shirt you could a glance that will easily make you pop out to anyone walking by on the street. Include some boots and you will be practically as close to the runway as possible while strolling through your daily routine.
First of all, this spring the military designs of winter will carry over, only now they're going to worked into lighter materials. You should not go awry with any spring jacket or raincoat featuring a military barred style about the front or buttons through the breast.
While you can easily still make do with short hipster raincoats, the structure is slowly switching towards longer beneath the butt length and perhaps to the knee for those who pair the coat which has a nice list of suede or leather boots to elongate your legs.
Bulimia in spring designs could be the abstract trend, also is sometimes often called the architectural design, and is particularly illuminating the catwalks across the world. The essence of this fashion trend is sharp cuts and accents that truly create a shirt, dress, or skirt look sharp, edgy and modern. Traditionally should you adhere to soft hues with sharp black edging or accents you may be ok, but if you wish to push the structure envelope you might want to you could make your own abstract clothing by pairing solids with sharp jewelry that sticks out across the clothing.
These are dresses, in 2010 in Fashion online length is essential as very short and intensely long is significantly out. Although last autumn may have been packed with tights and short sweaters creating the mini look, minis remain greatly out and you need to be careful to pick a much more modest length if you want to take fashion. While mid thigh lengths are ok, the most beneficial cut for some dresses and skirts during spring are going to be gently through the knee while there is room for a little variation. Extremely long is also out so stay away from the flowing look.
Finally, should you the last thing that you'll need in your closet this spring a few floral prints, but is not the larger floral prints that produce you search like drapes. Instead, choose floral prints that are small and detailed and show off a lot more like prints then flowers.
Pair this look which has a military jacket or tunic shirt you could a glance that will easily make you pop out to anyone walking by on the street. Include some boots and you will be practically as close to the runway as possible while strolling through your daily routine.
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Tips Mencegah Rambut Rontok Bagi Wanita Berjilbab
Bagi para wanita muslimah selain menjadi identitas berjilbab juga merupakan kewajiban yang harus dilaksanakan karena sesuai aturan yang di ajarkan dalam agama islam,namun pada kenyataannya para wanita yang berjilbab sering mengalami kerontokan pada rambutnya, sehingga banyak wanita yang ragu untuk berjilbab karena alasan itu tadi membuat rontok rambut.
Namun kerontokan rambut para hijabers itu tidak melulu dikarenakan berjilbab karena kalau saja para hijabers memperhatikan dengan cermat tata cara berjilbab yang baik akan dapat mencegah kerontokan rambut yang berjilbab itu.

Untuk itu bagi wanita yang belum memakai jilbab tidak usah ragu dan takut untuk berjilbab,karena banyak cara untuk mencegah rambut rontok bagi yang berjilbab.
Berikut beberapa Tips Mencegah Rambut Rontok Bagi Wanita Berjilbab yang mudah mudahan bermanfaat:
1.Bagi yang berambut panjang jangan mengikat rambut terlalu kencang,bisa dibayangkan jika rambut diikat kencang lalu ditutupi selama seharian pasti akan menimbulkan ketombe dan pada akhitnya rambut mengalami kerontokan.
2.Harus pandai pandai memilih bahan jilbab,pilihlah bahan jilbab yang dapat menyerap keringat seperti katun paris dan hindari pemakaian yang terlalu sering dari bahan yang licin seperti sifon.
3.Perhatikan juga dalaman jilbab atau ciput yang digunakan,usahakan memakai dari bahan yang lembut,menyerap keringat dan jangan terlalu ketat.
4.Konsumsi makanan kaya protein seperti seafood,penuhi asupan vitamin B yang bisa didapat dari sereal,roti,daging merah,kuning telur,sayuran dll.
5.Usahakan untuk keramas tiap hari karena kondisi rambut yang tertutup seharian akan menjadi lembab dan mengakibatkan ketombe yang pada akhirnya akan menyebabkan kerontokan.
6.Hindari paparan asap polusi,meskipun rambut tertutup jilbab bukan berarti aman dari paparan asap polusi,hindari sebisa mungkin paparan polusi yang terlalu banyak.
7.Ganti jilbab setiap hari,selain menjaga`agar kondisi tetap sehat dan bersih,mengganti jilbab setiap hari juga akan mengurangi resiko rambut rontok.
Itulah sedikit tips pencegahan kerontokan rambut bagi yang berjilbab
Namun kerontokan rambut para hijabers itu tidak melulu dikarenakan berjilbab karena kalau saja para hijabers memperhatikan dengan cermat tata cara berjilbab yang baik akan dapat mencegah kerontokan rambut yang berjilbab itu.

Untuk itu bagi wanita yang belum memakai jilbab tidak usah ragu dan takut untuk berjilbab,karena banyak cara untuk mencegah rambut rontok bagi yang berjilbab.
Berikut beberapa Tips Mencegah Rambut Rontok Bagi Wanita Berjilbab yang mudah mudahan bermanfaat:
1.Bagi yang berambut panjang jangan mengikat rambut terlalu kencang,bisa dibayangkan jika rambut diikat kencang lalu ditutupi selama seharian pasti akan menimbulkan ketombe dan pada akhitnya rambut mengalami kerontokan.
2.Harus pandai pandai memilih bahan jilbab,pilihlah bahan jilbab yang dapat menyerap keringat seperti katun paris dan hindari pemakaian yang terlalu sering dari bahan yang licin seperti sifon.
3.Perhatikan juga dalaman jilbab atau ciput yang digunakan,usahakan memakai dari bahan yang lembut,menyerap keringat dan jangan terlalu ketat.
4.Konsumsi makanan kaya protein seperti seafood,penuhi asupan vitamin B yang bisa didapat dari sereal,roti,daging merah,kuning telur,sayuran dll.
5.Usahakan untuk keramas tiap hari karena kondisi rambut yang tertutup seharian akan menjadi lembab dan mengakibatkan ketombe yang pada akhirnya akan menyebabkan kerontokan.
6.Hindari paparan asap polusi,meskipun rambut tertutup jilbab bukan berarti aman dari paparan asap polusi,hindari sebisa mungkin paparan polusi yang terlalu banyak.
7.Ganti jilbab setiap hari,selain menjaga`agar kondisi tetap sehat dan bersih,mengganti jilbab setiap hari juga akan mengurangi resiko rambut rontok.
Itulah sedikit tips pencegahan kerontokan rambut bagi yang berjilbab
Monday, 1 September 2014
Viral Video Marketing Through ForWeb Marketing
These three principles guide viral marketers in the executing viral marketing campaigns in target proper customers, using proper media channel and attaining objectives at minimal cost. Viral marketers use proper websites for web marketing forums and viral marketing blogs to be able to target specific audience in a specific location. They maximize marketing online services which is normally for free and simple to execute.
The messenger, message and the environment are analyzed in producing viral marketing campaigns. The messenger is the channel which is used by the viral marketer in spreading the message. For videos, viral marketers use Youtube, MySpace and other video-sharing sites.
Viral marketing blogs and viral marketing forums are also carefully produced and are flooded on proper website. The environment refers to the current mood of target audience. The change in environment is crucial since it affects the acceptance of a viral campaign.
To assist businesses to create effective viral marketing campaigns, New Media Services offers ForWeb Marketing. ForWeb Marketing uses effective all-out strategies that create brand awareness. Since ForWeb Marketing is from a leading To-Go company, it utilizes interactive methods including viral videos, blogs, forums, chat and social networking to help businesses touch base with their customers.
Availing of viral marketing campaign services provides advantages that are essential to the growth of a business. Viral marketing caters to a larger audience since it uses the worldwide web. New Media Services, as a forefront of marketing online services, chooses the most suitable viral marketing blogs, web marketing forums, and other websites that surely involves a large number of audiences.
Viral marketers leave the further distribution to audiences' social circles. Viral marketing is known to be a cost effective method. The cost of producing videos, blogs, audios and other viral campaign methods is low. Blogging and sending emails are quite simple to do.
Posting viral videos online is also for free in just clicks. Another advantage of viral marketing is efficiency in targeting a location. When business like to launch awareness campaign in a specific location, viral campaign methods are spread with moderating tools involved to spread the message to proper audience.
Viral marketers choose the right channel and the right marketing online services to use. Viral marketing campaigns help in building a good reputation through increased online promotions and sales.
New Media Services' ForWeb Marketing takes care of the full production when creating viral marketing campaigns. Live operators and viral marketers do the conceptualization, creating of storyboards, script writing, special effect insertion, final editing and publishing of viral marketing campaigns.
For more information, please visit website or email us at
The messenger, message and the environment are analyzed in producing viral marketing campaigns. The messenger is the channel which is used by the viral marketer in spreading the message. For videos, viral marketers use Youtube, MySpace and other video-sharing sites.
Viral marketing blogs and viral marketing forums are also carefully produced and are flooded on proper website. The environment refers to the current mood of target audience. The change in environment is crucial since it affects the acceptance of a viral campaign.
To assist businesses to create effective viral marketing campaigns, New Media Services offers ForWeb Marketing. ForWeb Marketing uses effective all-out strategies that create brand awareness. Since ForWeb Marketing is from a leading To-Go company, it utilizes interactive methods including viral videos, blogs, forums, chat and social networking to help businesses touch base with their customers.
Availing of viral marketing campaign services provides advantages that are essential to the growth of a business. Viral marketing caters to a larger audience since it uses the worldwide web. New Media Services, as a forefront of marketing online services, chooses the most suitable viral marketing blogs, web marketing forums, and other websites that surely involves a large number of audiences.
Viral marketers leave the further distribution to audiences' social circles. Viral marketing is known to be a cost effective method. The cost of producing videos, blogs, audios and other viral campaign methods is low. Blogging and sending emails are quite simple to do.
Posting viral videos online is also for free in just clicks. Another advantage of viral marketing is efficiency in targeting a location. When business like to launch awareness campaign in a specific location, viral campaign methods are spread with moderating tools involved to spread the message to proper audience.
Viral marketers choose the right channel and the right marketing online services to use. Viral marketing campaigns help in building a good reputation through increased online promotions and sales.
New Media Services' ForWeb Marketing takes care of the full production when creating viral marketing campaigns. Live operators and viral marketers do the conceptualization, creating of storyboards, script writing, special effect insertion, final editing and publishing of viral marketing campaigns.
For more information, please visit website or email us at
Sunday, 31 August 2014
Campaigns Gone Viral
This got me thinking, it's my opinion that no one can promise or commit to a client that they will deliver what will become the next big viral marketing sensation. That's like promising a client a 5% ROI on a direct mail campaign when you know damn well you'll be lucky to see .5% - .75%!
I come from the school of under promise and over deliver so it pains me to see people make promises that can't possibly be kept in order to win business.
And just like any another form of marketing you can provide a foundation that is based on strategies and tactics that have been proven to be successful but at the end of the day it's all very subjective and comes down to what the consumers respond to. Case in point...
Old Spice didn't have a clue that The Old Spice Man would become as big as it did while on the converse General Motor's never predicted the annihilation of their "create your own advert" viral marketing campaign when the environmentalists created negative ads.
So, know that you know what I don't believe is possible, let me tell what I think is totally plausible. If you have an innovative multi-channel marketing strategy the sum of those parts will "help" to create a viral outcome. I think this is why a lot of marketers still have not embraced multi-channel / social marketing; they are looking for a one hit wonder and they forget that the rules Web 2.0 marketing are not very different from those of traditional marketing.
What I mean by this is that you still need to know you audience, decide what your objectives are, create a point of differentiation and all the other things required to develop a solid creative work brief. All that said, if you want a chance at going viral you need something with exceptional entertainment value, a great offer that the user will want and can use, instant gratification, uniqueness and something that is highly engaging.
One can only hope that whatever agency you are working with knows that these are table stakes and the foundation on which they develop all their marketing programs. In summary I'd like to refer to a quote in an article I just read that said "Viral marketing isn't a strategy. It's not even a tactic. Viral is a possible outcome that brings an unplanned life to a piece of advertising." It then went on to say "The truth is that the best one can hope for is, to paraphrase Peter Shankman, CEO of The Geek Factory and PR/marketing warlord, to make your marketing great. If you've done that, the rest will take care of itself, and viral will simply be one of the many symptoms." I couldn't have said it any better and I stand by this methodology and hope you embrace it too.
Take Away
This bears repeating: Viral marketing is NOT a strategy and it's NOT even a tactic. Viral is the possible outcome that brings an unplanned life to a piece of advertising. Develop a sound multi-channel marketing strategy that includes any or all of the following: landing pages, video, mobile, podcasts, social, video and never, ever forget to listen and engage
In my last blog we talked about how your most valuable customers might not be the biggest spenders but actually your biggest brand advocates and how these advocates could influence the spending power of hundreds of potential customers. It's that spirit that in today's blog I'd like to discuss reward / loyalty approaches for this elite and not to be overlooked group of consumers.
I come from the school of under promise and over deliver so it pains me to see people make promises that can't possibly be kept in order to win business.
And just like any another form of marketing you can provide a foundation that is based on strategies and tactics that have been proven to be successful but at the end of the day it's all very subjective and comes down to what the consumers respond to. Case in point...
Old Spice didn't have a clue that The Old Spice Man would become as big as it did while on the converse General Motor's never predicted the annihilation of their "create your own advert" viral marketing campaign when the environmentalists created negative ads.
So, know that you know what I don't believe is possible, let me tell what I think is totally plausible. If you have an innovative multi-channel marketing strategy the sum of those parts will "help" to create a viral outcome. I think this is why a lot of marketers still have not embraced multi-channel / social marketing; they are looking for a one hit wonder and they forget that the rules Web 2.0 marketing are not very different from those of traditional marketing.
What I mean by this is that you still need to know you audience, decide what your objectives are, create a point of differentiation and all the other things required to develop a solid creative work brief. All that said, if you want a chance at going viral you need something with exceptional entertainment value, a great offer that the user will want and can use, instant gratification, uniqueness and something that is highly engaging.
One can only hope that whatever agency you are working with knows that these are table stakes and the foundation on which they develop all their marketing programs. In summary I'd like to refer to a quote in an article I just read that said "Viral marketing isn't a strategy. It's not even a tactic. Viral is a possible outcome that brings an unplanned life to a piece of advertising." It then went on to say "The truth is that the best one can hope for is, to paraphrase Peter Shankman, CEO of The Geek Factory and PR/marketing warlord, to make your marketing great. If you've done that, the rest will take care of itself, and viral will simply be one of the many symptoms." I couldn't have said it any better and I stand by this methodology and hope you embrace it too.
Take Away
This bears repeating: Viral marketing is NOT a strategy and it's NOT even a tactic. Viral is the possible outcome that brings an unplanned life to a piece of advertising. Develop a sound multi-channel marketing strategy that includes any or all of the following: landing pages, video, mobile, podcasts, social, video and never, ever forget to listen and engage
In my last blog we talked about how your most valuable customers might not be the biggest spenders but actually your biggest brand advocates and how these advocates could influence the spending power of hundreds of potential customers. It's that spirit that in today's blog I'd like to discuss reward / loyalty approaches for this elite and not to be overlooked group of consumers.
Saturday, 30 August 2014
Kumpulan Foto Foto Dan Biodata Teuku Rasya Islamy Pasha
Teuku Rasya Islamy Pasha atau lebih akrab dipanggil Rasya ini merupakan anak dari artis Tamara Bleszynski dari suaminya terdahulu Teuku Rafly, Rasya merupakan aktris pendatang baru yang sedang digandrungi kalangan remaja terutama para wanita selain mempunyai wajah yang ganteng dan imut imut ini rasya juga dialiri darah seni dari ibunya dan juga bakat berbisnis dari ayahnya.
Di usia yang menginjak 15 tahun Teuku Rasya bisa dikatakan lagi dipuncak kepopuleran selain sedang menekuni dunia entertainment Rasya juga sedang meniti karir dibidang bisnis gadget,rasya memiliki outlet yang dinamai corner gadget.
Berikut Kumpulan Foto Foto Dan Biodata Teuku Rasya Islamy Pasha yang bisa menjadi obat penawar rindu bagi anda penggemar si ganteng rasya ini.



Di usia yang menginjak 15 tahun Teuku Rasya bisa dikatakan lagi dipuncak kepopuleran selain sedang menekuni dunia entertainment Rasya juga sedang meniti karir dibidang bisnis gadget,rasya memiliki outlet yang dinamai corner gadget.
Berikut Kumpulan Foto Foto Dan Biodata Teuku Rasya Islamy Pasha yang bisa menjadi obat penawar rindu bagi anda penggemar si ganteng rasya ini.






Profil Biodata Teuku Rasya Islamy Pasha
Nama Lengkap : Tengku Rasya Islamy Pasya
Nama Panggilan : Rasya, Tengku Rasya
Tanggal Lahir : 4 Februari 1999
Agama : Islam
Pekerjaan : Pelajar, Bisnisman
Nama Ayah : Teuku Ramly
Nama Ibu Kandung : Tamara Bleszynski
Adik : Kenzou Leon
Akun Twitter : @TRP_Rassya
Nama Panggilan : Rasya, Tengku Rasya
Tanggal Lahir : 4 Februari 1999
Agama : Islam
Pekerjaan : Pelajar, Bisnisman
Nama Ayah : Teuku Ramly
Nama Ibu Kandung : Tamara Bleszynski
Adik : Kenzou Leon
Akun Twitter : @TRP_Rassya
Friday, 29 August 2014
When You Wish Helpful Hints About Hobbies, We Have Them
Are you considering taking on an alternative hobby? Perhaps you already get involved in a hobby you great pleasure. No matter what case, you may use new information. Continue reading to understand how your hobby you decide on.
Turn your passion for football in a hobby. Fantasy football is really a fun hobby with no reason to ever strap around the field. Get friends together and make a draft.
You can begin exercising when you are thinking about a whole new need and hobby to reduce a little bit weight. Start running and training for one half marathon, or you could start learning to swim and initiate swimming if you have a pool around during the summer time. No matter what you choose to do, you body and mind will surely benefit.
Sculpting could be very relaxing hobby. There isn't anything much like the sensation of holding clay with you. Sculpting is a hobby which should be learned by way of a class. Enroll in a class or group that can show you each of the basics and require a friend along.
Sewing is obviously an incredible hobby. You may create a variety of items once you master a creative hobby like sewing. Sewing enables you to create items that you can expect to enjoy with their down time.
Photography can be very fun to start out like a very rewarding hobby.It's a simple hobby and can enjoy.Buy your new high-end camera and enable the children have got a try. You will likely be blown away at several of the photos they snap. Everyone is able to their very own own turn utilizing the camera. Then you could sit down and pore within the various pictures everyone snapped.
Also you can enjoy a hobby that features your mother too. Consider cooking class together. You don't have to be good cooks to obtain something out of this type of class. Search online for local cooking classes.
Remember safety first when you are doing your new hobby. It is easy to get sloppy and then forget safety if we are around having fun. Make sure that the appropriate safety rules are followed that have to do with your hobby.
Why choose a pastime? Research has shown that people who get involved in hobbies have got a greater experience of pleasure and provides stress relief. Doing something you love can certainly make life meaning. A hobby may also increase your mood and give a way to relieve stress.
Hobbies are a fantastic way in order to alleviate your stress levels. Your hobby will help be sure to don't are afflicted by a challenging day at work. Opt for a soothing hobby that allows you to get relaxed while being enthusiastic about something.
If you pick cooking will be your hobby, take care. Loose fitting clothes could be hazardous because they are a fire once you lean over your stove.Tie back your hair, and wear tight clothes plus an apron.
Jewelry making is a good hobby that turns into a moneymaker. Women aren't the only individuals who can take part in this hobby. Men might be efficient at making jewelry too. You can then sell what you make at art shows, art shows and also on a website like Etsy. You are able to really supplement your revenue this enjoyable hobby.
Jigsaw puzzles certainly are a hobby. You will discover a variety of different difficulties available. You can even laminate them as unique artwork at home. Transform it into a little harder each and every time one is done.
In case you have a hobby, it adds interest and enjoyment to reality. Make use of the tips here to improve the quantity of enjoyment you sense when conducting your hobby. You could have positive results using the hobby of your choice.
Turn your passion for football in a hobby. Fantasy football is really a fun hobby with no reason to ever strap around the field. Get friends together and make a draft.
You can begin exercising when you are thinking about a whole new need and hobby to reduce a little bit weight. Start running and training for one half marathon, or you could start learning to swim and initiate swimming if you have a pool around during the summer time. No matter what you choose to do, you body and mind will surely benefit.
Sculpting could be very relaxing hobby. There isn't anything much like the sensation of holding clay with you. Sculpting is a hobby which should be learned by way of a class. Enroll in a class or group that can show you each of the basics and require a friend along.
Sewing is obviously an incredible hobby. You may create a variety of items once you master a creative hobby like sewing. Sewing enables you to create items that you can expect to enjoy with their down time.
Photography can be very fun to start out like a very rewarding hobby.It's a simple hobby and can enjoy.Buy your new high-end camera and enable the children have got a try. You will likely be blown away at several of the photos they snap. Everyone is able to their very own own turn utilizing the camera. Then you could sit down and pore within the various pictures everyone snapped.
Also you can enjoy a hobby that features your mother too. Consider cooking class together. You don't have to be good cooks to obtain something out of this type of class. Search online for local cooking classes.
Remember safety first when you are doing your new hobby. It is easy to get sloppy and then forget safety if we are around having fun. Make sure that the appropriate safety rules are followed that have to do with your hobby.
Why choose a pastime? Research has shown that people who get involved in hobbies have got a greater experience of pleasure and provides stress relief. Doing something you love can certainly make life meaning. A hobby may also increase your mood and give a way to relieve stress.
Hobbies are a fantastic way in order to alleviate your stress levels. Your hobby will help be sure to don't are afflicted by a challenging day at work. Opt for a soothing hobby that allows you to get relaxed while being enthusiastic about something.
If you pick cooking will be your hobby, take care. Loose fitting clothes could be hazardous because they are a fire once you lean over your stove.Tie back your hair, and wear tight clothes plus an apron.
Jewelry making is a good hobby that turns into a moneymaker. Women aren't the only individuals who can take part in this hobby. Men might be efficient at making jewelry too. You can then sell what you make at art shows, art shows and also on a website like Etsy. You are able to really supplement your revenue this enjoyable hobby.
Jigsaw puzzles certainly are a hobby. You will discover a variety of different difficulties available. You can even laminate them as unique artwork at home. Transform it into a little harder each and every time one is done.
In case you have a hobby, it adds interest and enjoyment to reality. Make use of the tips here to improve the quantity of enjoyment you sense when conducting your hobby. You could have positive results using the hobby of your choice.
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Redesigning Tasks Issues You Should Think About
Piece of art an area is perhaps the least expensive home remodeling you are able to carry out. A brand new cover of color in a distinct color or consistency can fully convert a room for minimal expense. Should your walls usually are not within the greatest condition and also you don't have plenty of time to re-plaster them before artwork, consider dangling wallpapers as an alternative, in order to avoid pulling focus on the damage.
When picking a professional for any house remodelling, don't attempt to easily use the least expensive quote. There is absolutely no guarantee that it will probably be cheaper try using a reduced-price service provider and merely fix any inadequate work afterwards. Less expensive costs generally signify the grade of the task and the materials is additionally reduced.
Self sticky drywall areas can be a must-have redecorating. These patches come in many forms ranging from mesh drywall adhesive tape to those made from a polymer materials. Click them cautiously into place employing an steel. Take care not to scorch the patch or the walls work surface. Fresh paint right on the repair and you'll never ever know it's there.
Open the window curtains and blinds throughout a demonstrating allowing sunlight in to the property. In case the outdoor surroundings is not desirable, look at retaining the window blinds relatively shut down to draw in much less focus to it. Switch on all of the lamps in your house hence the home appears brilliant and cheery as opposed to dim and dreary.
Carpeting the bottoms in the drawers you retain your hand instruments in. This will not merely have the shop area a less noisy spot but it will help protect your important instruments. Always keep individuals equipment rust free by spraying the carpets and rugs lightly with unit oil before you place the equipment inside the cabinet.
To generate money flipping real estate property you should begin with boosting the exterior. Here is the component that will make the first effect on possible buyers and can be achieved rather at low costs. Require a photo in the outdoors and study it when you are not with the residence. It will help you concentrate on what must be repaired or better.
Television set enjoyment holds cost quite a bit of cash. An incredible viable replacement for those costly holders is investing in a wonderful dresser. It is possible to set your Tv set ahead and make use of the dresser drawers to hold your DVDs and CD's. Your controllers and electronic digital guides can be held in a compartment avoiding it from becoming an eyesore.
A frequent occurrence in numerous properties can be a dripping shower room go. This can be the effect of a defective or damaged O-ring inside of the mind. To avoid the leak, simply apply tape on the go, and perspective the head with a water pipe wrench. Obtain an O-band which fits your head and place it in. Spot tubing sealer throughout the tube threads and attach your head again on, by using a ultimate tightening up through the water pipe wrench. Then analyze your head for almost any additional water leaks.
When conducting redecorating operate at your residence, consider making it your personal, without having moving over the top with the redecorating suggestions. Whilst you might like crazy and different design, there is a probability that you simply will shock off several possible buyers should your redecorating alternatives seem like they could be too much work to modify.
Utilize a directly wall surface fitted layer holder to present your pendants and charms. Perhaps you must not suspend your most valuable jewelery. Your unique bits of precious jewelry can also add an individual feel to the room's decor and in addition keep the pendants and bracelets tangle totally free. Maintain your most frequently donned jewelry simple to arrive at.
Wallpaper could be a wonderful designer inclusion to your house, but eventually - accidents happen - and wallpapers can start to peel off. You can actually repair it with a bit of wallpaper paste. Employing a knife, smear some wallpaper mixture on a bit of composing or printing device document. Rub the piece of paper that you just smeared mixture on up lemon juice mold Removal against the underside in the peeling wallpaper. Slowly start off pressing the wallpaper back against the wall structure, when little by little moving out the notepad. Smooth any facial lines or bubbles through the help of a nice and clean cloth.
Well before you consider downsizing your property, consider lengthy and hard about this. Despite the fact that downsizing could be sensible in particular conditions, it also signifies you should do away with most of your possessions and furniture pieces. Also, downsizing signifies there exists significantly less area for those who may possibly pay a visit to you.
If you're increasing the appear and feel of your own cooking area by installing a granite counter top, take into account individual ceramic tiles rather than individual bit slab. Granite slabs of counter top duration may cost up to $5000, and even far more. Rather, put in foot-lengthy granite tiles. For the same volume of area, the installation of granite ceramic tiles will undoubtedly cost a couple of hundred or so dollars.
As you might keep in mind in the first place on this part, being aware of your limits when it comes to redecorating is important. By utilizing the ideas discussed right here, you can pull off your tasks with no problem. Some on-line research and preparation can tends to make points go smoothly, when helping you save time and money.
When picking a professional for any house remodelling, don't attempt to easily use the least expensive quote. There is absolutely no guarantee that it will probably be cheaper try using a reduced-price service provider and merely fix any inadequate work afterwards. Less expensive costs generally signify the grade of the task and the materials is additionally reduced.
Self sticky drywall areas can be a must-have redecorating. These patches come in many forms ranging from mesh drywall adhesive tape to those made from a polymer materials. Click them cautiously into place employing an steel. Take care not to scorch the patch or the walls work surface. Fresh paint right on the repair and you'll never ever know it's there.
Open the window curtains and blinds throughout a demonstrating allowing sunlight in to the property. In case the outdoor surroundings is not desirable, look at retaining the window blinds relatively shut down to draw in much less focus to it. Switch on all of the lamps in your house hence the home appears brilliant and cheery as opposed to dim and dreary.
Carpeting the bottoms in the drawers you retain your hand instruments in. This will not merely have the shop area a less noisy spot but it will help protect your important instruments. Always keep individuals equipment rust free by spraying the carpets and rugs lightly with unit oil before you place the equipment inside the cabinet.
To generate money flipping real estate property you should begin with boosting the exterior. Here is the component that will make the first effect on possible buyers and can be achieved rather at low costs. Require a photo in the outdoors and study it when you are not with the residence. It will help you concentrate on what must be repaired or better.
Television set enjoyment holds cost quite a bit of cash. An incredible viable replacement for those costly holders is investing in a wonderful dresser. It is possible to set your Tv set ahead and make use of the dresser drawers to hold your DVDs and CD's. Your controllers and electronic digital guides can be held in a compartment avoiding it from becoming an eyesore.
A frequent occurrence in numerous properties can be a dripping shower room go. This can be the effect of a defective or damaged O-ring inside of the mind. To avoid the leak, simply apply tape on the go, and perspective the head with a water pipe wrench. Obtain an O-band which fits your head and place it in. Spot tubing sealer throughout the tube threads and attach your head again on, by using a ultimate tightening up through the water pipe wrench. Then analyze your head for almost any additional water leaks.
When conducting redecorating operate at your residence, consider making it your personal, without having moving over the top with the redecorating suggestions. Whilst you might like crazy and different design, there is a probability that you simply will shock off several possible buyers should your redecorating alternatives seem like they could be too much work to modify.
Utilize a directly wall surface fitted layer holder to present your pendants and charms. Perhaps you must not suspend your most valuable jewelery. Your unique bits of precious jewelry can also add an individual feel to the room's decor and in addition keep the pendants and bracelets tangle totally free. Maintain your most frequently donned jewelry simple to arrive at.
Wallpaper could be a wonderful designer inclusion to your house, but eventually - accidents happen - and wallpapers can start to peel off. You can actually repair it with a bit of wallpaper paste. Employing a knife, smear some wallpaper mixture on a bit of composing or printing device document. Rub the piece of paper that you just smeared mixture on up lemon juice mold Removal against the underside in the peeling wallpaper. Slowly start off pressing the wallpaper back against the wall structure, when little by little moving out the notepad. Smooth any facial lines or bubbles through the help of a nice and clean cloth.
Well before you consider downsizing your property, consider lengthy and hard about this. Despite the fact that downsizing could be sensible in particular conditions, it also signifies you should do away with most of your possessions and furniture pieces. Also, downsizing signifies there exists significantly less area for those who may possibly pay a visit to you.
If you're increasing the appear and feel of your own cooking area by installing a granite counter top, take into account individual ceramic tiles rather than individual bit slab. Granite slabs of counter top duration may cost up to $5000, and even far more. Rather, put in foot-lengthy granite tiles. For the same volume of area, the installation of granite ceramic tiles will undoubtedly cost a couple of hundred or so dollars.
As you might keep in mind in the first place on this part, being aware of your limits when it comes to redecorating is important. By utilizing the ideas discussed right here, you can pull off your tasks with no problem. Some on-line research and preparation can tends to make points go smoothly, when helping you save time and money.
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Reviews for Bling Jewelry Celtic Emerald Color Claddagh Heart Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Bling Jewelry Celtic Emerald Color Claddagh Heart Earrings 925 Sterling Silver
Look like royalty when you wear our elegant Emerald Color Heart Celtic Knots Claddagh Dangle Earrings, which show the ancient Celtic tradition of making stunning culturally significant jewelry. Finely crafted by glistening .925 sterling silver, these chic yet inexpensive claddagh earrings have an trendy Celtic knot design and a beautiful emerald color glass heart. The heart, hands and crown are used to symbolize loyalty, love and friendship, and make a remarkable claddagh jewelry piece that will make everyone bow down to your fashionable grace. These pair of stylish yet affordable sterling silver dangle earrings are also the perfect gift for those born in the month of May, for Valentines day, or for anyone on your holiday gift list.
List Price : $61.99 Price : $29.99

Here is why i think all of you should buy Bling Jewelry Celtic Emerald Color Claddagh Heart Earrings 925 Sterling Silver
Irish Claddagh style
1in L x .65 W
.925 Sterling Silver
green glass
pierced ears only
Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Bling Jewelry Celtic Emerald Color Claddagh Heart Earrings 925 Sterling Silver this month.

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You know you have an edgy style and our sterling silver ear cuffs are the perfect way to showcase that. Maybe you even have a bit of a wild streak or you have wanted ...
You know you have an edgy style and our sterling silver ear cuffs are the perfect way to showcase that. Maybe you even have a bit of a wild streak or you have wanted ...
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Rose Gold Plated Simulated Emerald Green Sterling Silver Claddagh Ring Size 9 . This Claddagh ring is worn today by people all over the world as a universal symbol of ...
Rose Gold Plated Simulated Emerald Green Sterling Silver Claddagh Ring Size 9 . This Claddagh ring is worn today by people all over the world as a universal symbol of ...
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Shop over 3,000 designs of luxury fashion rings, sterling silver rings and Cubic Zirconia rings at Berricle. Every sterling silver rings come with a stamp "925" to ...
Shop over 3,000 designs of luxury fashion rings, sterling silver rings and Cubic Zirconia rings at Berricle. Every sterling silver rings come with a stamp "925" to ...
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Best Reasons to Buy Gold Earrings. Gold jewelry has been coveted since the precious metal was first discovered. Ancient cultures all around the world have ...
Best Reasons to Buy Gold Earrings. Gold jewelry has been coveted since the precious metal was first discovered. Ancient cultures all around the world have ...
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Created Fire Opal; Created Green Sapphire; Created Yellow Sapphire; Lab Created Aquamarine; Lab Created Blue Opal; Lab Created Emerald; Lab Created Green Sapphire
Created Fire Opal; Created Green Sapphire; Created Yellow Sapphire; Lab Created Aquamarine; Lab Created Blue Opal; Lab Created Emerald; Lab Created Green Sapphire
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
Kumpulan Gambar Kata Kata Lucu Bahasa Sunda Terbaru
Gambar Kata Kata Lucu Bahasa Sunda ini sengaja kami sajikan untuk tujuan menghibur dan tidak ada tujuan yang lain,karena orang sunda memang terkenal akan banyolan banyolan yang lucu dan gokil juga caliweura.oleh karena itu kami disini tidak ada salahnya untuk ikut menyenangkan dan membuat tertawa orang orang,karena menyenangkan orang itu merupakan perbuatan yang baik aamiin...
Selain untuk hiburan Gambar Kata Kata Lucu Bahasa Sunda ini bisa anda gunakan untuk bahan lelucon di berbagai media sosial seperti facebook,twitter,Google+ dan dp BBM sehingga dapat membuat teman atau sahbat anda terhibur.
Nah berikut ini beberapa contoh Gambar Kata Kata Lucu Bahasa Sunda Terbaru yang Insya Alloh akan membuat anda tertawa terbahak bahak:






Semoga dengan Gambar Kata Kata Sunda Lucu di atas dapat menyenangkan semua orang yang melihat dan membacanya. Wilujeng gumujeng.....!
Selain untuk hiburan Gambar Kata Kata Lucu Bahasa Sunda ini bisa anda gunakan untuk bahan lelucon di berbagai media sosial seperti facebook,twitter,Google+ dan dp BBM sehingga dapat membuat teman atau sahbat anda terhibur.
Nah berikut ini beberapa contoh Gambar Kata Kata Lucu Bahasa Sunda Terbaru yang Insya Alloh akan membuat anda tertawa terbahak bahak:








Semoga dengan Gambar Kata Kata Sunda Lucu di atas dapat menyenangkan semua orang yang melihat dan membacanya. Wilujeng gumujeng.....!
Monday, 25 August 2014
Online Shopping Advice That Will Save You Money And Keep You Safe
Browse several different stores and compare products and prices before you decide to buy. Even compare different brands if you can. Also compare features and prices. As new items are added frequently, check back to your favorite retailers often.
If you're doing a lot of online shopping, make sure your spyware protection is up-to-date. Hackers often target major shopping sites in an attempt to steal personal information or to break into your accounts. If your antivirus software issues a warning or report about the shopping site you use, do not purchase any products from the site, and report this issue to the shopping site's webmaster.
If you are looking at purchasing from a seller for the first time, take a moment to carefully examine their pas
If you're doing a lot of online shopping, make sure your spyware protection is up-to-date. Hackers often target major shopping sites in an attempt to steal personal information or to break into your accounts. If your antivirus software issues a warning or report about the shopping site you use, do not purchase any products from the site, and report this issue to the shopping site's webmaster.
If you are looking at purchasing from a seller for the first time, take a moment to carefully examine their pas
Sunday, 24 August 2014
Making Chain Mail (Maille) for Jewelry or Armor A How-To
Trivia: Ultra-fine (tiny-ringed) chain mail of this type, made by machine, is also used as "cloth" to make gloves to protect professional meat carvers and to protect hair dressers from burns when using professional curling irons.
What is Your Experience?Have you ever made chain mail before?
Yes, for jewelry and armor.
Yes, for jewelry only.
Yes, for armor only.
No, it's not my thing.
No, but I probably will after reading this article!
See results without voting Tools and Materials You Need to Make Chain MailTo make chain mail (often misspelled "chain maille") you will need the following:
2 pairs of flat, needle-nosed pliers (jewelry-style, without grooves in them, available in the jewelry-making section of most craft stores).
A bunch of inexpensive medium-large--for learning purposes--"jump rings", if you are going to be making a piece of jewelry (available in the jewelry-making section of most craft stores), or special-purpose rings for making armor or other types of chain mail (see references below for sources).
Note: Choosing two (2) different colors of rings, ideally copper and silver-tone, will really help in learning this technique and in following these instructions!
A velveteen mat or similar textured flat work surface, which allows you to easily pick up chain mail rings without having to set down your pliers and it keeps the rings from sliding around.
(Optional) Several small containers to hold the raw, open, and closed rings while you are not working with them.
That's it! Some people get fancier, but for this technique, this is all that you will need. Once you develop your own style you'll learn which tools and types of rings really work best for your projects.
About New or "Raw" Rings for Chain MailRings are almost universally manufactured the same way. First, the maker wraps wire around a round-shaped mandrel (a rod, for example, usually made of strong steel). Once wrapped tightly around the mandrel, the wire is cut off into individual rings. This leaves a ring that is almost, but not quite, completely closed: it is offset by one wire-diameter and there is a gap (kerf) the width of the saw or other cutting tool. It also may leave tiny burs on the metal that you may want to remove.
Do you usually hear the "click-click" when closing rings, after practicing for awhile?
Most of the time
Once in awhile
See results without votingDon't Panic!Don't worry If you don't normally hear the "click-click" sound: you're just learning a new art form! Don't panic, just re-read the section above on how to close a ring properly and practice, practice, practice. You will be able to get the "click-click" sound, but it does take practice and patience.
How to Close a Ring ProperlyYour goal is to have the rings closed so perfectly that you cannot feel the joint (unless your rings have burs from their manufacturing process) and you can only see the joint if you look very closely with a magnifier.
How to close a ring perfectly: To do this, twist the ring one wire-diameter past the point where the wire ends meet. While doing this, push the ends together twice the amount of the gap (kerf). So, with a pair of pliers in each hand, grip the ring firmly (but not too tightly or you'll leave tool marks) covering almost half of each side of the ring with the pliers with the ring opening toward the tip of the pliers. Then, you'll simply rotate the pliers slowly while pushing their tips slightly together (to create a "click-click" sound--more on that later).
Pushing the ends of the pliers together closes the gap (kerf) made during the manufacturing process of the rings. This creates tension in the ring that will help keep the gap closed and make the product stronger and prevent the ring from snagging on clothing.
Note that this is difficult to do with armor-grade (steel) rings because they are strong and require similar strength in the artisan to achieve this close of a meeting between the ends. Fortunately, it is much less critical in armor than in jewelry.
Then, twist the ends back together until they meet perfectly. The spring tension should hold the gap where the ring was cut together and your over-twist should should keep the ends aligned in a perfect circle.
Once you've mastered this technique, you will hear a tell-tale "click-click" sound as you rotate the pliers forward and back, indicating that the spring-tension will securely hold the ring perfectly closed. It may take weeks and several projects to master this, though, so don't panic if you don't hear this clicking sound immediately.
Don't Panic!Note: I'll say it again: don't panic as you go from step to step. You will be able to learn chain mail weaving, as it's called, using this method. These instructions have been classroom-tested by dozens of students, all of whom were able to weave chain mail by the end of a 2-hour class with minimal assistance from me. Without assistance, it may take you several tries through the instructions to learn it, but you will be able to do it easily in no time, and will probably find it as easy and addictive as crocheting, knitting, embroidery, beading, and other such crafts.
Open and Close a Bunch of Rings
Using both sets of pliers, one in each hand, open 20-30 copper rings to about a 30-degree angle. Practice doing this without picking the rings up with your fingers-just use your pliers, if possible.
Close about the same number of silver rings following the procedure above. (Click-click.)
Arrange your work area: Push all of the "raw" rings aside; we won't be working with them (only opened or closed rings). Make a loose grouping of copper rings and another of silver rings, leaving space in the middle to work in.
Row 11. With your dominant-hand pliers, pick up 1 open copper ring. Not with your fingers, with your pliers. Don't panic, it will take practice to do it, but you will learn it soon with very little practice.
2. Pick up 4 closed silver rings in the open ring. Again, don't use your fingers, use your pliers with the open ring in it. Don't panic, this is harder than step 1, but again with a little practice you will be able to do it.
3. Close the original copper ring. (Click-click.)
4. Put the assembly down on your work surface and arrange the rings exactly as shown in Figure 1. Take great care to make sure that your rings on your work surface are "flipped" the same directions as the ones in the figure.
Congratulations, you have just completed one basic unit of chain mail: European 4in1 chain mail, to be precise, because 4 rings are linked through each 1 ring.
Figure 2Source: 2003 Laura Schneider Drawn and rendered in 3D using POV-RAY. Figure 2Figure 2 assigns some letters to the rings to help later on in this process.
Figure 3Source: 2003 Laura Schneider Drawn and rendered in 3D using POV-RAY. Figure 35. Pick up 1 open copper ring. This is Ring D.
6. Pick up 2 closed silver rings in Ring D.
7. Join to the assembly by routing Ring D down through B and C.
8. Double-check your work! Close Ring D.
9. Look carefully at Figure 3 and arrange the rings exactly as shown, so that all of the copper rings are laying flat against each other facing one direction and all the silver rings are going the opposite direction. Double-check that your rings are laying exactly as shown. Take your time to make sure that it is exactly the same.
For wider pieces of chain mail, repeat steps 5 - 9 as many times as needed to get the width you need.
Congratulations, Row 1 is done!
Adding Width to Your Chain Mail ProjectFor wider pieces of chain mail, repeat steps 5 - 9 as many times as needed to get the width you need.
Congratulations, Row 1 is done!
Figure 4Source: 2003 Laura Schneider Drawn and rendered in 3D using POV-RAY. Row 2, Figure 410. Pick up 1 open copper ring. This is Ring E.
11. Pick up 2 closed rings in Ring E.
12. Join to the assembly by routing Ring E down through Ring A then up through Ring B.
13. Double-check your work! Close Ring E.
Again, arrange the rings carefully on your work surface and verify that the chain mail looks exactly like that in Figure 4.
Important: This is the step where most people get stuck in the way the new silver rings are "flipped", so be aware and beware: one silver ring must "flip" up and over on top of Ring B, while the other must flip down on top of Ring A. Double- and triple-check your work against the diagram.
Figure 5Source: 2003 Laura Schneider Drawn and rendered in 3D using POV-RAY. Row 2, Figure 514. Pick up 1 open copper ring. This is Ring H.
15. Pick up 1 closed silver ring in the open ring. This is Ring J.
16. Join to the assembly by routing down through F and B then up through Ring G.
17. Double-check your work! Then close Ring H.
18. Arrange the rings carefully on your work surface. Your chain mail should now look like Figure 5.
Row 2 is now complete!
Additional Rows/Length to Your Chain Mail ProjectRepeat steps 10 - 18 until your piece of chain mail is as long as you need it to be.
Note the Following
No ring goes through a ring of the same color.
No ring goes through more than 4 rings of the opposite color.
Each row ends with loose rings-the grouping of 4 is incomplete.
Tip: As with many crafts (crochet, knitting, tatting, weaving...) the first few rows generally look, well, wrong/messy. However, after you have completed row 2 of a chain mail project you will start to see the chain mail look appear. Also, you will find that with each row it will be easier to lay your work out properly on your working mat. As the project gets much longer, you need not worry about the earlier rows: just worry about the two active rows on the "front line" of your project.
A Great First Project: A BraceletTo make a nice bracelet for a man, woman, or child, simply repeat steps 10 through 18 (lengthening the chain mail off to the right of your existing work) until the piece of chain mail is long enough to fit around the wearer's wrist, leaving room to add a clasp to the middle ring on each side.
Note: Toggle clasps and magnetic clasps do not work well for this project because they tend to come loose. Use a lobster, spring ring, or "sister" clasp instead. Ask for advice at your local bead store if you aren't familiar with these types of clasps--bring your otherwise-complete project with you so that you can get personalized assistance and advice.
These instructions, illustrations, photos, and designs are copyright 2003, 2009 by Laura Schneider and are for personal use only; they may NOT be used for any other purposes without written permission.
About Ring MaterialsIf you are using stamped aluminum rings, you would want to tumble them in a "rock"/jewelry tumbler for quite awhile to get the sharp edges off and make them shiny. If you don't want shiny rings, add a little grit (see your local lapidary supply store for advice) to get a matte finish. Note that although I like aluminum for many things, I find it not so nice to work with--it makes your fingers black due to oxidation and I just don't like the "feel" of it in my hands as much as I do other metals. When working a big project or lots of pieces, that can be a big deal--your personal preference on how the rings feel in your hands while working them. Of course, for lightness and cheapness/affordability, aluminum can't be beat: I'm making a long skirt overlay out of aluminum rings, for example, which would be inappropriately heavy if done in stainless.
Generally, I prefer stainless steel rings for most projects, however, because it doesn't tarnish and it's solid to work with and produces a variety of effects. Tumble the stainless to get a high shine similar to your silverware/pots and pans, or tumble with grit to get a matte look. This can be done before or after the piece is completed as long as the only material in the tumbler is the stainless rings (add clasps after all tumbling is complete). Silver-colored stainless can be heat-treated to attain various darker colors, too. Refer to M.A.I.L. for instructions on how to do this as it's tricky (I've personally never attempted it, but will get up the guts one day). Once colored, however, it supposedly retains its color well, unlike rings with a patina or powder coating or anodized coating--the photos look awesome!
Bronze rings are another good option that feel similar to stainless steel and hold their color and shape well. They, too, should be heat-treatable for color changes and patinas can be applied to get all sorts of colors. An art supply store or lapidary/jewelry making supply company should be able to provide such patinas. Advice on patinas for various metals can often be found by hanging out in the art department of your local university, also.
Bracers/Vambraces Bracers made out of armor-grade stainless steel and fastened with leather laces. One was made for each arm, weighing 1/2 pound each.Source: 2003 Laura Schneider Solid Copper Statement Necklae A statement necklace out of copper rings in European 4-in-1. This necklace, sadly, went missing from its display case advertising my class.Source: Design and Photograph 2003 Laura Schneider Micro-mail: a Finger Ring Picture 1 of 2: A finger ring made of micromail (really tiny rings) in European 4-in-1 weaveSource: 2003 Laura Schneider Picture 2 of 2: The micromail ring, which is very comfortable to wear since it flexes with your every move.Source: 2003 Laura Schneider Medieval Renaissance 16G Haubergeon Chain Mail Replica Armor Long Shirt
Buy Now For more information...
Tools You Will Need to Build/Make a Suit of Chain Ma...
You'll need just a few simple tools to get a good start in making chain mail for jewelry or armor.
How to clean stainless steel chain mail
Luckily, there are many ways to clean chain mail made of stainless steel.
M.A.I.L. - Maille Artisans International League
The best place in the universe to get information on the many different ring weaves that can be done, projects you can make, and more. Please contribute!
The Ring Lord
An excellent source for materials and tools you will need to make chain mail.
About the AuthorInformation about the author, a list of her complete works on HubPages, and a means of contacting her are available over on ==>Laura Schneider's profile page. But wait--please continue scrolling down to leave ratings and any comments you have about this article so that it can be improved to best meet your needs. Thank you!
All text, photos, videos, graphics, and chain mail designs in this document are Copyright 2013 Laura D. Schneider unless indicated otherwise or unless in the public domain. All rights reserved. All trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.
What is Your Experience?Have you ever made chain mail before?
Yes, for jewelry and armor.
Yes, for jewelry only.
Yes, for armor only.
No, it's not my thing.
No, but I probably will after reading this article!
See results without voting Tools and Materials You Need to Make Chain MailTo make chain mail (often misspelled "chain maille") you will need the following:
2 pairs of flat, needle-nosed pliers (jewelry-style, without grooves in them, available in the jewelry-making section of most craft stores).
A bunch of inexpensive medium-large--for learning purposes--"jump rings", if you are going to be making a piece of jewelry (available in the jewelry-making section of most craft stores), or special-purpose rings for making armor or other types of chain mail (see references below for sources).
Note: Choosing two (2) different colors of rings, ideally copper and silver-tone, will really help in learning this technique and in following these instructions!
A velveteen mat or similar textured flat work surface, which allows you to easily pick up chain mail rings without having to set down your pliers and it keeps the rings from sliding around.
(Optional) Several small containers to hold the raw, open, and closed rings while you are not working with them.
That's it! Some people get fancier, but for this technique, this is all that you will need. Once you develop your own style you'll learn which tools and types of rings really work best for your projects.
About New or "Raw" Rings for Chain MailRings are almost universally manufactured the same way. First, the maker wraps wire around a round-shaped mandrel (a rod, for example, usually made of strong steel). Once wrapped tightly around the mandrel, the wire is cut off into individual rings. This leaves a ring that is almost, but not quite, completely closed: it is offset by one wire-diameter and there is a gap (kerf) the width of the saw or other cutting tool. It also may leave tiny burs on the metal that you may want to remove.
Do you usually hear the "click-click" when closing rings, after practicing for awhile?
Most of the time
Once in awhile
See results without votingDon't Panic!Don't worry If you don't normally hear the "click-click" sound: you're just learning a new art form! Don't panic, just re-read the section above on how to close a ring properly and practice, practice, practice. You will be able to get the "click-click" sound, but it does take practice and patience.
How to Close a Ring ProperlyYour goal is to have the rings closed so perfectly that you cannot feel the joint (unless your rings have burs from their manufacturing process) and you can only see the joint if you look very closely with a magnifier.
How to close a ring perfectly: To do this, twist the ring one wire-diameter past the point where the wire ends meet. While doing this, push the ends together twice the amount of the gap (kerf). So, with a pair of pliers in each hand, grip the ring firmly (but not too tightly or you'll leave tool marks) covering almost half of each side of the ring with the pliers with the ring opening toward the tip of the pliers. Then, you'll simply rotate the pliers slowly while pushing their tips slightly together (to create a "click-click" sound--more on that later).
Pushing the ends of the pliers together closes the gap (kerf) made during the manufacturing process of the rings. This creates tension in the ring that will help keep the gap closed and make the product stronger and prevent the ring from snagging on clothing.
Note that this is difficult to do with armor-grade (steel) rings because they are strong and require similar strength in the artisan to achieve this close of a meeting between the ends. Fortunately, it is much less critical in armor than in jewelry.
Then, twist the ends back together until they meet perfectly. The spring tension should hold the gap where the ring was cut together and your over-twist should should keep the ends aligned in a perfect circle.
Once you've mastered this technique, you will hear a tell-tale "click-click" sound as you rotate the pliers forward and back, indicating that the spring-tension will securely hold the ring perfectly closed. It may take weeks and several projects to master this, though, so don't panic if you don't hear this clicking sound immediately.
Don't Panic!Note: I'll say it again: don't panic as you go from step to step. You will be able to learn chain mail weaving, as it's called, using this method. These instructions have been classroom-tested by dozens of students, all of whom were able to weave chain mail by the end of a 2-hour class with minimal assistance from me. Without assistance, it may take you several tries through the instructions to learn it, but you will be able to do it easily in no time, and will probably find it as easy and addictive as crocheting, knitting, embroidery, beading, and other such crafts.
Open and Close a Bunch of Rings
Using both sets of pliers, one in each hand, open 20-30 copper rings to about a 30-degree angle. Practice doing this without picking the rings up with your fingers-just use your pliers, if possible.
Close about the same number of silver rings following the procedure above. (Click-click.)
Arrange your work area: Push all of the "raw" rings aside; we won't be working with them (only opened or closed rings). Make a loose grouping of copper rings and another of silver rings, leaving space in the middle to work in.
Row 11. With your dominant-hand pliers, pick up 1 open copper ring. Not with your fingers, with your pliers. Don't panic, it will take practice to do it, but you will learn it soon with very little practice.
2. Pick up 4 closed silver rings in the open ring. Again, don't use your fingers, use your pliers with the open ring in it. Don't panic, this is harder than step 1, but again with a little practice you will be able to do it.
3. Close the original copper ring. (Click-click.)
4. Put the assembly down on your work surface and arrange the rings exactly as shown in Figure 1. Take great care to make sure that your rings on your work surface are "flipped" the same directions as the ones in the figure.
Congratulations, you have just completed one basic unit of chain mail: European 4in1 chain mail, to be precise, because 4 rings are linked through each 1 ring.
Figure 2Source: 2003 Laura Schneider Drawn and rendered in 3D using POV-RAY. Figure 2Figure 2 assigns some letters to the rings to help later on in this process.
Figure 3Source: 2003 Laura Schneider Drawn and rendered in 3D using POV-RAY. Figure 35. Pick up 1 open copper ring. This is Ring D.
6. Pick up 2 closed silver rings in Ring D.
7. Join to the assembly by routing Ring D down through B and C.
8. Double-check your work! Close Ring D.
9. Look carefully at Figure 3 and arrange the rings exactly as shown, so that all of the copper rings are laying flat against each other facing one direction and all the silver rings are going the opposite direction. Double-check that your rings are laying exactly as shown. Take your time to make sure that it is exactly the same.
For wider pieces of chain mail, repeat steps 5 - 9 as many times as needed to get the width you need.
Congratulations, Row 1 is done!
Adding Width to Your Chain Mail ProjectFor wider pieces of chain mail, repeat steps 5 - 9 as many times as needed to get the width you need.
Congratulations, Row 1 is done!
Figure 4Source: 2003 Laura Schneider Drawn and rendered in 3D using POV-RAY. Row 2, Figure 410. Pick up 1 open copper ring. This is Ring E.
11. Pick up 2 closed rings in Ring E.
12. Join to the assembly by routing Ring E down through Ring A then up through Ring B.
13. Double-check your work! Close Ring E.
Again, arrange the rings carefully on your work surface and verify that the chain mail looks exactly like that in Figure 4.
Important: This is the step where most people get stuck in the way the new silver rings are "flipped", so be aware and beware: one silver ring must "flip" up and over on top of Ring B, while the other must flip down on top of Ring A. Double- and triple-check your work against the diagram.
Figure 5Source: 2003 Laura Schneider Drawn and rendered in 3D using POV-RAY. Row 2, Figure 514. Pick up 1 open copper ring. This is Ring H.
15. Pick up 1 closed silver ring in the open ring. This is Ring J.
16. Join to the assembly by routing down through F and B then up through Ring G.
17. Double-check your work! Then close Ring H.
18. Arrange the rings carefully on your work surface. Your chain mail should now look like Figure 5.
Row 2 is now complete!
Additional Rows/Length to Your Chain Mail ProjectRepeat steps 10 - 18 until your piece of chain mail is as long as you need it to be.
Note the Following
No ring goes through a ring of the same color.
No ring goes through more than 4 rings of the opposite color.
Each row ends with loose rings-the grouping of 4 is incomplete.
Tip: As with many crafts (crochet, knitting, tatting, weaving...) the first few rows generally look, well, wrong/messy. However, after you have completed row 2 of a chain mail project you will start to see the chain mail look appear. Also, you will find that with each row it will be easier to lay your work out properly on your working mat. As the project gets much longer, you need not worry about the earlier rows: just worry about the two active rows on the "front line" of your project.
A Great First Project: A BraceletTo make a nice bracelet for a man, woman, or child, simply repeat steps 10 through 18 (lengthening the chain mail off to the right of your existing work) until the piece of chain mail is long enough to fit around the wearer's wrist, leaving room to add a clasp to the middle ring on each side.
Note: Toggle clasps and magnetic clasps do not work well for this project because they tend to come loose. Use a lobster, spring ring, or "sister" clasp instead. Ask for advice at your local bead store if you aren't familiar with these types of clasps--bring your otherwise-complete project with you so that you can get personalized assistance and advice.
These instructions, illustrations, photos, and designs are copyright 2003, 2009 by Laura Schneider and are for personal use only; they may NOT be used for any other purposes without written permission.
About Ring MaterialsIf you are using stamped aluminum rings, you would want to tumble them in a "rock"/jewelry tumbler for quite awhile to get the sharp edges off and make them shiny. If you don't want shiny rings, add a little grit (see your local lapidary supply store for advice) to get a matte finish. Note that although I like aluminum for many things, I find it not so nice to work with--it makes your fingers black due to oxidation and I just don't like the "feel" of it in my hands as much as I do other metals. When working a big project or lots of pieces, that can be a big deal--your personal preference on how the rings feel in your hands while working them. Of course, for lightness and cheapness/affordability, aluminum can't be beat: I'm making a long skirt overlay out of aluminum rings, for example, which would be inappropriately heavy if done in stainless.
Generally, I prefer stainless steel rings for most projects, however, because it doesn't tarnish and it's solid to work with and produces a variety of effects. Tumble the stainless to get a high shine similar to your silverware/pots and pans, or tumble with grit to get a matte look. This can be done before or after the piece is completed as long as the only material in the tumbler is the stainless rings (add clasps after all tumbling is complete). Silver-colored stainless can be heat-treated to attain various darker colors, too. Refer to M.A.I.L. for instructions on how to do this as it's tricky (I've personally never attempted it, but will get up the guts one day). Once colored, however, it supposedly retains its color well, unlike rings with a patina or powder coating or anodized coating--the photos look awesome!
Bronze rings are another good option that feel similar to stainless steel and hold their color and shape well. They, too, should be heat-treatable for color changes and patinas can be applied to get all sorts of colors. An art supply store or lapidary/jewelry making supply company should be able to provide such patinas. Advice on patinas for various metals can often be found by hanging out in the art department of your local university, also.
Bracers/Vambraces Bracers made out of armor-grade stainless steel and fastened with leather laces. One was made for each arm, weighing 1/2 pound each.Source: 2003 Laura Schneider Solid Copper Statement Necklae A statement necklace out of copper rings in European 4-in-1. This necklace, sadly, went missing from its display case advertising my class.Source: Design and Photograph 2003 Laura Schneider Micro-mail: a Finger Ring Picture 1 of 2: A finger ring made of micromail (really tiny rings) in European 4-in-1 weaveSource: 2003 Laura Schneider Picture 2 of 2: The micromail ring, which is very comfortable to wear since it flexes with your every move.Source: 2003 Laura Schneider Medieval Renaissance 16G Haubergeon Chain Mail Replica Armor Long Shirt
Buy Now For more information...
Tools You Will Need to Build/Make a Suit of Chain Ma...
You'll need just a few simple tools to get a good start in making chain mail for jewelry or armor.
How to clean stainless steel chain mail
Luckily, there are many ways to clean chain mail made of stainless steel.
M.A.I.L. - Maille Artisans International League
The best place in the universe to get information on the many different ring weaves that can be done, projects you can make, and more. Please contribute!
The Ring Lord
An excellent source for materials and tools you will need to make chain mail.
About the AuthorInformation about the author, a list of her complete works on HubPages, and a means of contacting her are available over on ==>Laura Schneider's profile page. But wait--please continue scrolling down to leave ratings and any comments you have about this article so that it can be improved to best meet your needs. Thank you!
All text, photos, videos, graphics, and chain mail designs in this document are Copyright 2013 Laura D. Schneider unless indicated otherwise or unless in the public domain. All rights reserved. All trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.
Saturday, 23 August 2014
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Friday, 22 August 2014
The One and only Counter Top Refinishing
Slow deterioration of a home and its components is inevitable. In a matter of five years or more, you need to expect some parts of your home to be gradually losing its usual appeal. Of course, this is a foreseeable event which you must be prepared of.
One of the areas which need considerable attention is your kitchen. Since you are able to make use of it each day, it is only normal for it to appear used or slightly damaged. Whenever these things happen, we need to decide whether a whole replacement or a refinishing will be done instead. The latter procedure saves you more time and money; but you need to consider a few factors before you make a change.
When You Would Need a Counter Top Refinishing
Counter top refinishing is needed when your kitchen counter needs a repair. It is a perfect solution for those home owners who choose to make a change in the decors of their kitchen. Counter top refinishing is also suitable for those who desire a change at a limited budget. When the condition of your counter tops is significantly impaired, then that is the time that you have to do a counter top refinishing project.
If your kitchen counters need to be remodeled but you do not have the time, then you should opt for a counter top refinishing instead. This way, it will save you more time because the changes can simply be done at home. If the edges of your counter top are damaged, then that would call for a counter top refinishing.
To sum it all up, you would know the need of refinishing if only a part of your counters are destroyed. However, if the entire counter top area has been ruined, then it would require for a complete replacement which is more and expensive and which can definitely take much of your time.
Why You Need a Counter Top Refinishing
Counter top refinishing can be done under two circumstances. The first reason would be a destroyed counter top and the second reason is for you to have a new look in your home. If you are bored of the old and usual counter top that you use everyday, you can decide to change provided that you have both the money and resources.
If your counter tops are slightly destroyed, you need to replace them partially through the refinishing process. Since this is only partial restoration of damaged materials, it will be less costly and will take only a fraction of your time.
Counter top refinishing can cover many purposes which may vary from person to person. Before even deciding on one, you need to consider your financial ability and your readiness to spare time for the refinishing process.
One of the areas which need considerable attention is your kitchen. Since you are able to make use of it each day, it is only normal for it to appear used or slightly damaged. Whenever these things happen, we need to decide whether a whole replacement or a refinishing will be done instead. The latter procedure saves you more time and money; but you need to consider a few factors before you make a change.
When You Would Need a Counter Top Refinishing
Counter top refinishing is needed when your kitchen counter needs a repair. It is a perfect solution for those home owners who choose to make a change in the decors of their kitchen. Counter top refinishing is also suitable for those who desire a change at a limited budget. When the condition of your counter tops is significantly impaired, then that is the time that you have to do a counter top refinishing project.
If your kitchen counters need to be remodeled but you do not have the time, then you should opt for a counter top refinishing instead. This way, it will save you more time because the changes can simply be done at home. If the edges of your counter top are damaged, then that would call for a counter top refinishing.
To sum it all up, you would know the need of refinishing if only a part of your counters are destroyed. However, if the entire counter top area has been ruined, then it would require for a complete replacement which is more and expensive and which can definitely take much of your time.
Why You Need a Counter Top Refinishing
Counter top refinishing can be done under two circumstances. The first reason would be a destroyed counter top and the second reason is for you to have a new look in your home. If you are bored of the old and usual counter top that you use everyday, you can decide to change provided that you have both the money and resources.
If your counter tops are slightly destroyed, you need to replace them partially through the refinishing process. Since this is only partial restoration of damaged materials, it will be less costly and will take only a fraction of your time.
Counter top refinishing can cover many purposes which may vary from person to person. Before even deciding on one, you need to consider your financial ability and your readiness to spare time for the refinishing process.
Thursday, 21 August 2014
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Wednesday, 20 August 2014
What you need to know for MLB Texas Rangers Classic Frozen Rope Baseball Necklace

MLB Texas Rangers Classic Frozen Rope Baseball Necklace
Show off your favorite Major League Baseball team by wearing this officially licensed Frozen Rope Necklace from GameWear. Each necklace is made from genuine twisted baseball leather to create the look of a frozen rope line drive. Necklaces feature three colorful beads, adorned with your favorite team's logo and colors. Necklaces are one-size-fits-all and have a unique elastic baseball bead closure for a loose and comfy fit
List Price : $17.99 Price : $16.70

Here is why i think all of you should buy MLB Texas Rangers Classic Frozen Rope Baseball Necklace
Necklaces are made of genuine baseball leather
Officially licensed by Major League Baseball
Logo displayed in three unique places
wear the game
Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for MLB Texas Rangers Classic Frozen Rope Baseball Necklace this month.

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Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Reviews for Tru-Spec Combat Tru Shirt ALarge, Long Ter Tiger Stripe Nyco Rip Stop, Small, Regular 2556003

Tru-Spec Combat Tru Shirt ALarge, Long Ter Tiger Stripe Nyco Rip Stop, Small, Regular 2556003
Tru-Spec Combat Tru Shirt ALarge, Long Ter Tiger Stripe Nyco Rip Stop, Small, Regular 2556003
List Price : $81.95 Price : $59.95

Here is why i think all of you should buy Tru-Spec Combat Tru Shirt ALarge, Long Ter Tiger Stripe Nyco Rip Stop, Small, Regular 2556003
Mock turtle neck
Zippered sleeve storage pockets
Anti-abrasion padded elbow patch
Gusseted sleeves
Hook & loop cuff closures
Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Tru-Spec Combat Tru Shirt ALarge, Long Ter Tiger Stripe Nyco Rip Stop, Small, Regular 2556003 this month.

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Monday, 18 August 2014
Jadwal Lengkap Liga Inggris 2014/2015
Setelah menjalani libur kompetisi yang cukup panjang Federasi sepakbola Inggris ( FA ) sudah merilis Jadwal Liga Premier Inggris 2014/2015 dengan lengkap, seperti musim-musim sebelumnya liga Inggris di ikuti 20 tim terbaik dinegara tersebut dan akan menjalani kompetisi yang sangat ketat.
Liga Premier Inggris merupakan liga yang paling ketat di dunia, terbukti dengan berkumpulnya para pemain-pemain terbaik di sana dengan mengandalkan speed and power liga inggris juga termasuk liga paling keras dan akan banyak menguras tenaga.selain liga paling keras liga inggris juga temasuk liga paling ketat persaingannya karena selalu memunculkan juaranya di pekan terakhir kompetisi.

Untuk itu kompetisi Liga Inngris banyak sekali penggemarnya di seluruh dunia tak terkecuali di Indonesia banyak sekali fans club berdiri, bagi penggemar liga inggris di indonesia kita tidak perlu khawatir tidak bisa menonton liga yang sangat seru ini karena tv swasta akan menyiarkannya secara langsung.
Berikut Jadwal Lengkap Liga Premier Inggris Musim 2014/2015 yang akan kami sajikan untuk anda para bolamania:
16 Agustus 2014
Arsenal vs Crystal Palace
Burnley vs Chelsea
Leicester City vs Everton
Liverpool vs Southampton
Manchester United vs Swansea City
Newcastle United vs Manchester City
Queens Park Rangers vs Hull City
Stoke City vs Aston Villa
West Bromwich Albion vs Sunderland
West Ham United vs Tottenham Hotspur
23 Agustus 2014
Aston Villa vs Newcastle United
Chelsea vs Leicester City
Crystal Palace vs West Ham United
Everton vs Arsenal
Hull City vs Stoke City
Manchester City vs Liverpool
Southampton vs West Bromwich Albion
Sunderland vs Manchester United
Swansea City vs Burnley
Tottenham Hotspur vs Queens Park Rangers
30Agustus 2014
Aston Villa vs Hull City
Burnley vs Manchester United
Everton vs Chelsea
Leicester City vs Arsenal
Manchester City vs Stoke City
Newcastle United vs Crystal Palace
Queens Park Rangers vs Sunderland
Swansea City vs West Bromwich Albion
Tottenham Hotspur vs Liverpool
West Ham United vs Southampton
13 September 2014
Arsenal vs Manchester City
Chelsea vs Swansea City
Crystal Palace vs Burnley
Hull City vs West Ham United
Liverpool vs Aston Villa
Manchester United vs Queens Park Rangers
Southampton vs Newcastle United
Stoke City vs Leicester City
Sunderland vs Tottenham Hotspur
West Bromwich Albion vs Everton
20 September 2014
Aston Villa vs Arsenal
Burnley vs Sunderland
Everton vs Crystal Palace
Leicester City vs Manchester United
Manchester City vs Chelsea
Newcastle United vs Hull City
Queens Park Rangers vs Stoke City
Swansea City vs Southampton
Tottenham Hotspur vs West Bromwich Albion
West Ham United vs Liverpool
27 September 2014
Arsenal vs Tottenham Hotspur
Chelsea vs Aston Villa
Crystal Palace vs Leicester City
Hull City vs Manchester City
Liverpool vs Everton
Manchester United vs West Ham United
Southampton vs Queens Park Rangers
Stoke City vs Newcastle United
Sunderland vs Swansea City
West Bromwich Albion vs Burnley
4 Oktober 2014
Aston Villa vs Manchester City
Chelsea vs Arsenal
Hull City vs Crystal Palace
Leicester City vs Burnley
Liverpool vs West Bromwich Albion
Manchester United vs Everton
Sunderland vs Stoke City
Swansea City vs Newcastle United
Tottenham Hotspur vs Southampton
West Ham United vs Queens Park Rangers
18 Oktober 2014
Arsenal vs Hull City
Burnley vs West Ham United
Crystal Palace vs Chelsea
Everton vs Aston Villa
Manchester City vs Tottenham Hotspur
Newcastle United vs Leicester City
Queens Park Rangers vs Liverpool
Southampton vs Sunderland
Stoke City vs Swansea City
West Bromwich Albion vs Manchester United
25 Oktober 2014
Burnley vs Everton
Liverpool vs Hull City
Manchester United vs Chelsea
Queens Park Rangers vs Aston Villa
Southampton vs Stoke City
Sunderland vs Arsenal
Swansea City vs Leicester City
Tottenham Hotspur vs Newcastle United
West Bromwich Albion vs Crystal Palace
West Ham United vs Manchester City
1 November 2014
Arsenal vs Burnley
Aston Villa vs Tottenham Hotspur
Chelsea vs Queens Park Rangers
Crystal Palace vs Sunderland
Everton vs Swansea City
Hull City vs Southampton
Leicester City vs West Bromwich Albion
Manchester City vs Manchester United
Newcastle United vs Liverpool
Stoke City vs West Ham United
8 November 2014
Burnley vs Hull City
Liverpool vs Chelsea
Manchester United vs Crystal Palace
Queens Park Rangers vs Manchester City
Southampton vs Leicester City
Sunderland vs Everton
Swansea City vs Arsenal
Tottenham Hotspur vs Stoke City
West Bromwich Albion vs Newcastle United
West Ham United vs Aston Villa
22 November 2014
Arsenal vs Manchester United
Aston Villa vs Southampton
Chelsea vs West Bromwich Albion
Crystal Palace vs Liverpool
Everton vs West Ham United
Hull City vs Tottenham Hotspur
Leicester City vs Sunderland
Manchester City vs Swansea City
Newcastle United vs Queens Park Rangers
Stoke City vs Burnley
29 November 2014
Burnley vs Aston Villa
Liverpool vs Stoke City
Manchester United vs Hull City
Queens Park Rangers vs Leicester City
Southampton vs Manchester City
Sunderland vs Chelsea
Swansea City vs Crystal Palace
Tottenham Hotspur vs Everton
West Bromwich Albion vs Arsenal
West Ham United vs Newcastle United
2 Desember 2014
Arsenal vs Southampton
Burnley vs Newcastle United
Crystal Palace vs Aston Villa
Leicester City vs Liverpool
Manchester United vs Stoke City
Swansea City vs Queens Park Rangers
West Bromwich Albion vs West Ham United
3 Desember 2014
Chelsea vs Tottenham Hotspur
Everton vs Hull City
Sunderland vs Manchester City
6 Desember 2014
Aston Villa vs Leicester City
Hull City vs West Bromwich Albion
Liverpool vs Sunderland
Manchester City vs Everton
Newcastle United vs Chelsea
Queens Park Rangers vs Burnley
Southampton vs Manchester United
Stoke City vs Arsenal
Tottenham Hotspur vs Crystal Palace
West Ham United vs Swansea City
13 Desember 2014
Arsenal vs Newcastle United
Burnley vs Southampton
Chelsea vs Hull City
Crystal Palace vs Stoke City
Everton vs Queens Park Rangers
Leicester City vs Manchester City
Manchester United vs Liverpool
Sunderland vs West Ham United
Swansea City vs Tottenham Hotspur
West Bromwich Albion vs Aston Villa
20 Desember 2014
Aston Villa vs Manchester United
Hull City vs Swansea City
Liverpool vs Arsenal
Manchester City vs Crystal Palace
Newcastle United vs Sunderland
Queens Park Rangers vs West Bromwich Albion
Southampton vs Everton
Stoke City vs Chelsea
Tottenham Hotspur vs Burnley
West Ham United vs Leicester City
26 Desember 2014
Arsenal vs Queens Park Rangers
Burnley vs Liverpool
Chelsea vs West Ham United
Crystal Palace vs Southampton
Everton vs Stoke City
Leicester City vs Tottenham Hotspur
Manchester United vs Newcastle United
Sunderland vs Hull City
Swansea City vs Aston Villa
West Bromwich Albion vs Manchester City
28 Desember 2014
Aston Villa vs Sunderland
Hull City vs Leicester City
Liverpool vs Swansea City
Manchester City vs Burnley
Newcastle United vs Everton
Queens Park Rangers vs Crystal Palace
Southampton vs Chelsea
Stoke City vs West Bromwich Albion
Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester United
West Ham United vs Arsenal
1 Januari 2015
Aston Villa vs Crystal Palace
Hull City vs Everton
Liverpool vs Leicester City
Manchester City vs Sunderland
Newcastle United vs Burnley
Queens Park Rangers vs Swansea City
Southampton vs Arsenal
Stoke City vs Manchester United
Tottenham Hotspur vs Chelsea
West Ham United vs West Bromwich Albion
10 Januari 2015
Arsenal vs Stoke City
Burnley vs Queens Park Rangers
Chelsea vs Newcastle United
Crystal Palace vs Tottenham Hotspur
Everton vs Manchester City
Leicester City vs Aston Villa
Manchester United vs Southampton
Sunderland vs Liverpool
Swansea City vs West Ham United
West Bromwich Albion vs Hull City
17 Januari 2015
Aston Villa vs Liverpool
Burnley vs Crystal Palace
Everton vs West Bromwich Albion
Leicester City vs Stoke City
Manchester City vs Arsenal
Newcastle United vs Southampton
Queens Park Rangers vs Manchester United
Swansea City vs Chelsea
Tottenham Hotspur vs Sunderland
West Ham United vs Hull City
31 Januari 2015
Arsenal vs Aston Villa
Chelsea vs Manchester City
Crystal Palace vs Everton
Hull City vs Newcastle United
Liverpool vs West Ham United
Manchester United vs Leicester City
Southampton vs Swansea City
Stoke City vs Queens Park Rangers
Sunderland vs Burnley
West Bromwich Albion vs Tottenham Hotspur
7 Februari 2015
Aston Villa vs Chelsea
Burnley vs West Bromwich Albion
Everton vs Liverpool
Leicester City vs Crystal Palace
Manchester City vs Hull City
Newcastle United vs Stoke City
Queens Park Rangers vs Southampton
Swansea City vs Sunderland
Tottenham Hotspur vs Arsenal
West Ham United vs Manchester United
10 Februari 2015
Arsenal vs Leicester City
Crystal Palace vs Newcastle United
Hull City vs Aston Villa
Liverpool vs Tottenham Hotspur
Manchester United vs Burnley
Southampton vs West Ham United
West Bromwich Albion vs Swansea City
11 Februari 2015
Chelsea vs Everton
Stoke City vs Manchester City
Sunderland vs Queens Park Rangers
21 Februari 2015
Aston Villa vs Stoke City
Chelsea vs Burnley
Crystal Palace vs Arsenal
Everton vs Leicester City
Hull City vs Queens Park Rangers
Manchester City vs Newcastle United
Southampton vs Liverpool
Sunderland vs West Bromwich Albion
Swansea City vs Manchester United
Tottenham Hotspur vs West Ham United
28 Februari 2015
Arsenal vs Everton
Burnley vs Swansea City
Leicester City vs Chelsea
Liverpool vs Manchester City
Manchester United vs Sunderland
Newcastle United vs Aston Villa
Queens Park Rangers vs Tottenham Hotspur
Stoke City vs Hull City
West Bromwich Albion vs Southampton
West Ham United vs Crystal Palace
3 Maret 2015
Aston Villa vs West Bromwich Albion
Hull City vs Sunderland
Liverpool vs Burnley
Queens Park Rangers vs Arsenal
Southampton vs Crystal Palace
West Ham United vs Chelsea
4 Maret 2015
Manchester City vs Leicester City
Newcastle United vs Manchester United
Stoke City vs Everton
Tottenham Hotspur vs Swansea City
14 Maret 2015
Arsenal vs West Ham United
Burnley vs Manchester City
Chelsea vs Southampton
Crystal Palace vs Queens Park Rangers
Everton vs Newcastle United
Leicester City vs Hull City
Manchester United vs Tottenham Hotspur
Sunderland vs Aston Villa
Swansea City vs Liverpool
West Bromwich Albion vs Stoke City
21 Maret 2015
Aston Villa vs Swansea City
Hull City vs Chelsea
Liverpool vs Manchester United
Manchester City vs West Bromwich Albion
Newcastle United vs Arsenal
Queens Park Rangers vs Everton
Southampton vs Burnley
Stoke City vs Crystal Palace
Tottenham Hotspur vs Leicester City
West Ham United vs Sunderland
4 April 2015
Arsenal vs Liverpool
Burnley vs Tottenham Hotspur
Chelsea vs Stoke City
Crystal Palace vs Manchester City
Everton vs Southampton
Leicester City vs West Ham United
Manchester United vs Aston Villa
Sunderland vs Newcastle United
Swansea City vs Hull City
West Bromwich Albion vs Queens Park Rangers
11 April 2015
Burnley vs Arsenal
Liverpool vs Newcastle United
Manchester United vs Manchester City
Queens Park Rangers vs Chelsea
Southampton vs Hull City
Sunderland vs Crystal Palace
Swansea City vs Everton
Tottenham Hotspur vs Aston Villa
West Bromwich Albion vs Leicester City
West Ham United vs Stoke City
18 April 2015
Arsenal vs Sunderland
Aston Villa vs Queens Park Rangers
Chelsea vs Manchester United
Crystal Palace vs West Bromwich Albion
Everton vs Burnley
Hull City vs Liverpool
Leicester City vs Swansea City
Manchester City vs West Ham United
Newcastle United vs Tottenham Hotspur
Stoke City vs Southampton
25 April 2015
Arsenal vs Chelsea
Burnley vs Leicester City
Crystal Palace vs Hull City
Everton vs Manchester United
Manchester City vs Aston Villa
Newcastle United vs Swansea City
Queens Park Rangers vs West Ham United
Southampton vs Tottenham Hotspur
Stoke City vs Sunderland
West Bromwich Albion vs Liverpool
2 Mei 2015
Aston Villa vs Everton
Chelsea vs Crystal Palace
Hull City vs Arsenal
Leicester City vs Newcastle United
Liverpool vs Queens Park Rangers
Manchester United vs West Bromwich Albion
Sunderland vs Southampton
Swansea City vs Stoke City
Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester City
West Ham United vs Burnley
9 Mei 2015
Arsenal vs Swansea City
Aston Villa vs West Ham United
Chelsea vs Liverpool
Crystal Palace vs Manchester United
Everton vs Sunderland
Hull City vs Burnley
Leicester City vs Southampton
Manchester City vs Queens Park Rangers
Newcastle United vs West Bromwich Albion
Stoke City vs Tottenham Hotspurs
16 Mei 2015
Burnley vs Stoke City
Liverpool vs Crystal Palace
Manchester United vs Arsenal
Queens Park Rangers vs Newcastle United
Southampton vs Aston Villa
Sunderland vs Leicester City
Swansea City vs Manchester City
Tottenham Hotspur vs Hull City
West Bromwich Albion vs Chelsea
West Ham United vs Everton
24 Mei 2015
Arsenal vs West Bromwich Albion
Aston Villa vs Burnley
Chelsea vs Sunderland
Crystal Palace vs Swansea City
Everton vs Tottenham Hotspur
Hull City vs Manchester United
Leicester City vs Queens Park Rangers
Manchester City vs Southampton
Newcastle United vs West Ham United
Stoke City vs Liverpool
Liga Premier Inggris merupakan liga yang paling ketat di dunia, terbukti dengan berkumpulnya para pemain-pemain terbaik di sana dengan mengandalkan speed and power liga inggris juga termasuk liga paling keras dan akan banyak menguras tenaga.selain liga paling keras liga inggris juga temasuk liga paling ketat persaingannya karena selalu memunculkan juaranya di pekan terakhir kompetisi.

Untuk itu kompetisi Liga Inngris banyak sekali penggemarnya di seluruh dunia tak terkecuali di Indonesia banyak sekali fans club berdiri, bagi penggemar liga inggris di indonesia kita tidak perlu khawatir tidak bisa menonton liga yang sangat seru ini karena tv swasta akan menyiarkannya secara langsung.
Berikut Jadwal Lengkap Liga Premier Inggris Musim 2014/2015 yang akan kami sajikan untuk anda para bolamania:
16 Agustus 2014
Arsenal vs Crystal Palace
Burnley vs Chelsea
Leicester City vs Everton
Liverpool vs Southampton
Manchester United vs Swansea City
Newcastle United vs Manchester City
Queens Park Rangers vs Hull City
Stoke City vs Aston Villa
West Bromwich Albion vs Sunderland
West Ham United vs Tottenham Hotspur
23 Agustus 2014
Aston Villa vs Newcastle United
Chelsea vs Leicester City
Crystal Palace vs West Ham United
Everton vs Arsenal
Hull City vs Stoke City
Manchester City vs Liverpool
Southampton vs West Bromwich Albion
Sunderland vs Manchester United
Swansea City vs Burnley
Tottenham Hotspur vs Queens Park Rangers
30Agustus 2014
Aston Villa vs Hull City
Burnley vs Manchester United
Everton vs Chelsea
Leicester City vs Arsenal
Manchester City vs Stoke City
Newcastle United vs Crystal Palace
Queens Park Rangers vs Sunderland
Swansea City vs West Bromwich Albion
Tottenham Hotspur vs Liverpool
West Ham United vs Southampton
13 September 2014
Arsenal vs Manchester City
Chelsea vs Swansea City
Crystal Palace vs Burnley
Hull City vs West Ham United
Liverpool vs Aston Villa
Manchester United vs Queens Park Rangers
Southampton vs Newcastle United
Stoke City vs Leicester City
Sunderland vs Tottenham Hotspur
West Bromwich Albion vs Everton
20 September 2014
Aston Villa vs Arsenal
Burnley vs Sunderland
Everton vs Crystal Palace
Leicester City vs Manchester United
Manchester City vs Chelsea
Newcastle United vs Hull City
Queens Park Rangers vs Stoke City
Swansea City vs Southampton
Tottenham Hotspur vs West Bromwich Albion
West Ham United vs Liverpool
27 September 2014
Arsenal vs Tottenham Hotspur
Chelsea vs Aston Villa
Crystal Palace vs Leicester City
Hull City vs Manchester City
Liverpool vs Everton
Manchester United vs West Ham United
Southampton vs Queens Park Rangers
Stoke City vs Newcastle United
Sunderland vs Swansea City
West Bromwich Albion vs Burnley
4 Oktober 2014
Aston Villa vs Manchester City
Chelsea vs Arsenal
Hull City vs Crystal Palace
Leicester City vs Burnley
Liverpool vs West Bromwich Albion
Manchester United vs Everton
Sunderland vs Stoke City
Swansea City vs Newcastle United
Tottenham Hotspur vs Southampton
West Ham United vs Queens Park Rangers
18 Oktober 2014
Arsenal vs Hull City
Burnley vs West Ham United
Crystal Palace vs Chelsea
Everton vs Aston Villa
Manchester City vs Tottenham Hotspur
Newcastle United vs Leicester City
Queens Park Rangers vs Liverpool
Southampton vs Sunderland
Stoke City vs Swansea City
West Bromwich Albion vs Manchester United
25 Oktober 2014
Burnley vs Everton
Liverpool vs Hull City
Manchester United vs Chelsea
Queens Park Rangers vs Aston Villa
Southampton vs Stoke City
Sunderland vs Arsenal
Swansea City vs Leicester City
Tottenham Hotspur vs Newcastle United
West Bromwich Albion vs Crystal Palace
West Ham United vs Manchester City
1 November 2014
Arsenal vs Burnley
Aston Villa vs Tottenham Hotspur
Chelsea vs Queens Park Rangers
Crystal Palace vs Sunderland
Everton vs Swansea City
Hull City vs Southampton
Leicester City vs West Bromwich Albion
Manchester City vs Manchester United
Newcastle United vs Liverpool
Stoke City vs West Ham United
8 November 2014
Burnley vs Hull City
Liverpool vs Chelsea
Manchester United vs Crystal Palace
Queens Park Rangers vs Manchester City
Southampton vs Leicester City
Sunderland vs Everton
Swansea City vs Arsenal
Tottenham Hotspur vs Stoke City
West Bromwich Albion vs Newcastle United
West Ham United vs Aston Villa
22 November 2014
Arsenal vs Manchester United
Aston Villa vs Southampton
Chelsea vs West Bromwich Albion
Crystal Palace vs Liverpool
Everton vs West Ham United
Hull City vs Tottenham Hotspur
Leicester City vs Sunderland
Manchester City vs Swansea City
Newcastle United vs Queens Park Rangers
Stoke City vs Burnley
29 November 2014
Burnley vs Aston Villa
Liverpool vs Stoke City
Manchester United vs Hull City
Queens Park Rangers vs Leicester City
Southampton vs Manchester City
Sunderland vs Chelsea
Swansea City vs Crystal Palace
Tottenham Hotspur vs Everton
West Bromwich Albion vs Arsenal
West Ham United vs Newcastle United
2 Desember 2014
Arsenal vs Southampton
Burnley vs Newcastle United
Crystal Palace vs Aston Villa
Leicester City vs Liverpool
Manchester United vs Stoke City
Swansea City vs Queens Park Rangers
West Bromwich Albion vs West Ham United
3 Desember 2014
Chelsea vs Tottenham Hotspur
Everton vs Hull City
Sunderland vs Manchester City
6 Desember 2014
Aston Villa vs Leicester City
Hull City vs West Bromwich Albion
Liverpool vs Sunderland
Manchester City vs Everton
Newcastle United vs Chelsea
Queens Park Rangers vs Burnley
Southampton vs Manchester United
Stoke City vs Arsenal
Tottenham Hotspur vs Crystal Palace
West Ham United vs Swansea City
13 Desember 2014
Arsenal vs Newcastle United
Burnley vs Southampton
Chelsea vs Hull City
Crystal Palace vs Stoke City
Everton vs Queens Park Rangers
Leicester City vs Manchester City
Manchester United vs Liverpool
Sunderland vs West Ham United
Swansea City vs Tottenham Hotspur
West Bromwich Albion vs Aston Villa
20 Desember 2014
Aston Villa vs Manchester United
Hull City vs Swansea City
Liverpool vs Arsenal
Manchester City vs Crystal Palace
Newcastle United vs Sunderland
Queens Park Rangers vs West Bromwich Albion
Southampton vs Everton
Stoke City vs Chelsea
Tottenham Hotspur vs Burnley
West Ham United vs Leicester City
26 Desember 2014
Arsenal vs Queens Park Rangers
Burnley vs Liverpool
Chelsea vs West Ham United
Crystal Palace vs Southampton
Everton vs Stoke City
Leicester City vs Tottenham Hotspur
Manchester United vs Newcastle United
Sunderland vs Hull City
Swansea City vs Aston Villa
West Bromwich Albion vs Manchester City
28 Desember 2014
Aston Villa vs Sunderland
Hull City vs Leicester City
Liverpool vs Swansea City
Manchester City vs Burnley
Newcastle United vs Everton
Queens Park Rangers vs Crystal Palace
Southampton vs Chelsea
Stoke City vs West Bromwich Albion
Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester United
West Ham United vs Arsenal
1 Januari 2015
Aston Villa vs Crystal Palace
Hull City vs Everton
Liverpool vs Leicester City
Manchester City vs Sunderland
Newcastle United vs Burnley
Queens Park Rangers vs Swansea City
Southampton vs Arsenal
Stoke City vs Manchester United
Tottenham Hotspur vs Chelsea
West Ham United vs West Bromwich Albion
10 Januari 2015
Arsenal vs Stoke City
Burnley vs Queens Park Rangers
Chelsea vs Newcastle United
Crystal Palace vs Tottenham Hotspur
Everton vs Manchester City
Leicester City vs Aston Villa
Manchester United vs Southampton
Sunderland vs Liverpool
Swansea City vs West Ham United
West Bromwich Albion vs Hull City
17 Januari 2015
Aston Villa vs Liverpool
Burnley vs Crystal Palace
Everton vs West Bromwich Albion
Leicester City vs Stoke City
Manchester City vs Arsenal
Newcastle United vs Southampton
Queens Park Rangers vs Manchester United
Swansea City vs Chelsea
Tottenham Hotspur vs Sunderland
West Ham United vs Hull City
31 Januari 2015
Arsenal vs Aston Villa
Chelsea vs Manchester City
Crystal Palace vs Everton
Hull City vs Newcastle United
Liverpool vs West Ham United
Manchester United vs Leicester City
Southampton vs Swansea City
Stoke City vs Queens Park Rangers
Sunderland vs Burnley
West Bromwich Albion vs Tottenham Hotspur
7 Februari 2015
Aston Villa vs Chelsea
Burnley vs West Bromwich Albion
Everton vs Liverpool
Leicester City vs Crystal Palace
Manchester City vs Hull City
Newcastle United vs Stoke City
Queens Park Rangers vs Southampton
Swansea City vs Sunderland
Tottenham Hotspur vs Arsenal
West Ham United vs Manchester United
10 Februari 2015
Arsenal vs Leicester City
Crystal Palace vs Newcastle United
Hull City vs Aston Villa
Liverpool vs Tottenham Hotspur
Manchester United vs Burnley
Southampton vs West Ham United
West Bromwich Albion vs Swansea City
11 Februari 2015
Chelsea vs Everton
Stoke City vs Manchester City
Sunderland vs Queens Park Rangers
21 Februari 2015
Aston Villa vs Stoke City
Chelsea vs Burnley
Crystal Palace vs Arsenal
Everton vs Leicester City
Hull City vs Queens Park Rangers
Manchester City vs Newcastle United
Southampton vs Liverpool
Sunderland vs West Bromwich Albion
Swansea City vs Manchester United
Tottenham Hotspur vs West Ham United
28 Februari 2015
Arsenal vs Everton
Burnley vs Swansea City
Leicester City vs Chelsea
Liverpool vs Manchester City
Manchester United vs Sunderland
Newcastle United vs Aston Villa
Queens Park Rangers vs Tottenham Hotspur
Stoke City vs Hull City
West Bromwich Albion vs Southampton
West Ham United vs Crystal Palace
3 Maret 2015
Aston Villa vs West Bromwich Albion
Hull City vs Sunderland
Liverpool vs Burnley
Queens Park Rangers vs Arsenal
Southampton vs Crystal Palace
West Ham United vs Chelsea
4 Maret 2015
Manchester City vs Leicester City
Newcastle United vs Manchester United
Stoke City vs Everton
Tottenham Hotspur vs Swansea City
14 Maret 2015
Arsenal vs West Ham United
Burnley vs Manchester City
Chelsea vs Southampton
Crystal Palace vs Queens Park Rangers
Everton vs Newcastle United
Leicester City vs Hull City
Manchester United vs Tottenham Hotspur
Sunderland vs Aston Villa
Swansea City vs Liverpool
West Bromwich Albion vs Stoke City
21 Maret 2015
Aston Villa vs Swansea City
Hull City vs Chelsea
Liverpool vs Manchester United
Manchester City vs West Bromwich Albion
Newcastle United vs Arsenal
Queens Park Rangers vs Everton
Southampton vs Burnley
Stoke City vs Crystal Palace
Tottenham Hotspur vs Leicester City
West Ham United vs Sunderland
4 April 2015
Arsenal vs Liverpool
Burnley vs Tottenham Hotspur
Chelsea vs Stoke City
Crystal Palace vs Manchester City
Everton vs Southampton
Leicester City vs West Ham United
Manchester United vs Aston Villa
Sunderland vs Newcastle United
Swansea City vs Hull City
West Bromwich Albion vs Queens Park Rangers
11 April 2015
Burnley vs Arsenal
Liverpool vs Newcastle United
Manchester United vs Manchester City
Queens Park Rangers vs Chelsea
Southampton vs Hull City
Sunderland vs Crystal Palace
Swansea City vs Everton
Tottenham Hotspur vs Aston Villa
West Bromwich Albion vs Leicester City
West Ham United vs Stoke City
18 April 2015
Arsenal vs Sunderland
Aston Villa vs Queens Park Rangers
Chelsea vs Manchester United
Crystal Palace vs West Bromwich Albion
Everton vs Burnley
Hull City vs Liverpool
Leicester City vs Swansea City
Manchester City vs West Ham United
Newcastle United vs Tottenham Hotspur
Stoke City vs Southampton
25 April 2015
Arsenal vs Chelsea
Burnley vs Leicester City
Crystal Palace vs Hull City
Everton vs Manchester United
Manchester City vs Aston Villa
Newcastle United vs Swansea City
Queens Park Rangers vs West Ham United
Southampton vs Tottenham Hotspur
Stoke City vs Sunderland
West Bromwich Albion vs Liverpool
2 Mei 2015
Aston Villa vs Everton
Chelsea vs Crystal Palace
Hull City vs Arsenal
Leicester City vs Newcastle United
Liverpool vs Queens Park Rangers
Manchester United vs West Bromwich Albion
Sunderland vs Southampton
Swansea City vs Stoke City
Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester City
West Ham United vs Burnley
9 Mei 2015
Arsenal vs Swansea City
Aston Villa vs West Ham United
Chelsea vs Liverpool
Crystal Palace vs Manchester United
Everton vs Sunderland
Hull City vs Burnley
Leicester City vs Southampton
Manchester City vs Queens Park Rangers
Newcastle United vs West Bromwich Albion
Stoke City vs Tottenham Hotspurs
16 Mei 2015
Burnley vs Stoke City
Liverpool vs Crystal Palace
Manchester United vs Arsenal
Queens Park Rangers vs Newcastle United
Southampton vs Aston Villa
Sunderland vs Leicester City
Swansea City vs Manchester City
Tottenham Hotspur vs Hull City
West Bromwich Albion vs Chelsea
West Ham United vs Everton
24 Mei 2015
Arsenal vs West Bromwich Albion
Aston Villa vs Burnley
Chelsea vs Sunderland
Crystal Palace vs Swansea City
Everton vs Tottenham Hotspur
Hull City vs Manchester United
Leicester City vs Queens Park Rangers
Manchester City vs Southampton
Newcastle United vs West Ham United
Stoke City vs Liverpool
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