Saturday, 31 May 2014

Kata Kata Bijak Dan Indah Dalam Lirik Lagu Iwan Fals

Siapa yang gak kenal sosok yang satu ini beliau merupakan legenda musik di Indonesia dengan nama lengkap Virgiawan Listanto namun lebih populer dengan nama Iwan Fals. Lagu-lagu yang dinyanyikan Iwan Fals solo ataupun yang dinyanyikan dalam format group banyak memuat lirik yang istimewa, baik lirik lagu ciptaannya sendiri maupun dari orang lain. Lagu lagu Iwan Fals ini beberapa diantaranya memuat rangkaian kata yang indah dan bijak yang menjadi kalimat penuh makna.

Berikut adalah  Kata Kata Bijak Dan Indah Dalam Lirik Lagu Iwan Fals yang dikutip dari Lirik Lagu Iwan Fals yang dapat kami sajikan untuk anda meskipun sedikit atupun alakadarnya tapi mudah mudahan bermanfaat untuk kita semua dan memberi semangat untuk kehidupan kita mari kita simak dan resapilah!

1.“Berhentilah jangan salah gunakan, kehebatan ilmu pengetahuan untuk menghancurkan”
(Puing – album Iwan Fals Sarjana Muda 1981)

2.“Hei jangan ragu dan jangan malu, tunjukkan pada dunia bahwa sebenarnya kita mampu”.
(Bangunlah Putra-Putri Pertiwi – album Sarjana Muda 1981)

3."Cepatlah besar matahariku, menangis yang keras janganlah ragu, hantamlah sombongnya dunia buah hatiku, doa kami dinadimu”.
(Galang Rambu Anarki – album Iwan Fals Opini 1982)

4.“Jalan masih teramat jauh, mustahil berlabuh bila dayung tak terkayuh”.
(Maaf Cintaku - album Iwan Fals Sugali 1984)

5.“Jangan kau paksakan untuk tetap terus berlari, bila luka di kaki belum terobati”.
(Berkacalah Jakarta - album Iwan Fals Sugali 1984)

6.“Riak gelombang suatu rintangan, ingat itu pasti kan datang, karang tajam sepintas seram, usah gentar bersatu terjang”.
(Cik - album Iwan Fals Sore Tugu Pancoran 1985)

7.“Aku tak sanggup berjanji, hanya mampu katakan aku cinta kau saat ini, entah esok hari, entah lusa nanti, entah”.
(Entah - album Iwan Fals Ethiopia 1986)

8.“Mengapa bunga harus layu?, setelah kumbang dapatkan madu, mengapa kumbang harus ingkar?, setelah bunga tak lagi mekar”.
(Bunga-Bunga Kumbang-Kumbang - album Iwan Fals Ethiopia 1986)

9.“Ternyata banyak hal yang tak selesai hanya dengan amarah”.
(Ya Ya Ya Oh Ya - album Iwan Fals Aku Sayang Kamu 1986)

10.“Dalam hari selalu ada kemungkinan, dalam hari pasti ada kesempatan”.
(Selamat Tinggal Malam - album Iwan Fals Aku Sayang Kamu 1986)

11.“Kota adalah hutan belantara akal kuat dan berakar, menjurai didepan mata siap menjerat leher kita”.
(Kota - album Iwan Fals Aku Sayang Kamu 1986)

12.“Jangan kita berpangku tangan, teruskan hasil perjuangan dengan jalan apa saja yang pasti kita temukan”.
(Lancar - album Iwan Fals Lancar 1987)

13.“Jangan ragu jangan takut karang menghadang, bicaralah yang lantang jangan hanya diam”.
(Surat Buat Wakil Rakyat - album Iwan Fals Wakil Rakyat 1987)

14.“Kau anak harapanku yang lahir di zaman gersang, segala sesuatu ada harga karena uang”.
(Nak - album Iwan Fals 1910 1988)

15.“Sampai kapan mimpi mimpi itu kita beli?, sampai nanti sampai habis terjual harga diri”.
(Mimpi Yang Terbeli - album Iwan Fals 1910 1988)

16.“Seperti udara kasih yang engkau berikan, tak mampu ku membalas, Ibu”.
(Ibu - album Iwan Fals 1910 1988)

17.“Memang usia kita muda namun cinta soal hati, biar mereka bicara telinga kita terkunci”.
(Buku Ini Aku Pinjam - album Iwan Fals 1910 1988)

18.“Dendam ada dimana mana di jantungku, di jantungmu, di jantung hari-hari”.
(Ada Lagi Yang Mati - album Iwan Fals 1910 1988)

19.“Hangatkan tubuh di cerah pagi pada matahari, keringkan hati yang penuh tangis walau hanya sesaat”.
(Perempuan Malam - album Iwan Fals Mata Dewa 1989)

20.“Kucoba berkaca pada jejak yang ada, ternyata aku sudah tertinggal, bahkan jauh tertinggal”.
(Nona - album Iwan Fals Mata Dewa 1989)

21.“Oh ya! ya nasib, nasibmu jelas bukan nasibku, oh ya! ya takdir, takdirmu jelas bukan takdirku”.
(Oh Ya! - album Iwan Fals Swami 1989)

22.“Wahai kawan hei kawan, bangunlah dari tidurmu, masih ada waktu untuk kita berbuat, luka di bumi ini milik bersama, buanglah mimpi-mimpi”.
(Eseks eseks udug udug (Nyanyian Ujung Gang) - album Iwan Fals Swami 1989)

23.“Api revolusi, haruskah padam digantikan figur yang tak pasti?”.
(Condet - album Swami 1989)

24.“Kalau cinta sudah di buang, jangan harap keadilan akan datang”.
(Bongkar - album Iwan Fals Swami 1989)

25.“Kesedihan hanya tontonan, bagi mereka yang diperkuda jabatan”.
(Bongkar - album Iwan Fals Swami 1989)

26.“Orang tua pandanglah kami sebagai manusia, kami bertanya tolong kau jawab dengan cinta”.
(Bongkar - album Iwan Fals Swami 1989)

27.“Satu luka perasaan, maki puji dan hinaan, tidak merubah sang jagoan menjadi makhluk picisan”.
(Rajawali - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

28.“Kesadaran adalah matahari, kesabaran adalah bumi, keberanian menjadi cakrawala, dan perjuangan adalah pelaksanaan kata kata”.
(Paman Doblang - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

29.“Mereka yang pernah kalah, belum tentu menyerah”.
(Orang-Orang Kalah - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

30.“Aku rasa hidup tanpa jiwa, orang yang miskin ataupun kaya sama ganasnya terhadap harta”.
(Nocturno - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

31.“Orang orang harus dibangunkan, kenyataan harus dikabarkan, aku bernyanyi menjadi saksi”.
(Kesaksian - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

32.“Ingatlah Allah yang menciptakan, Allah tempatku berpegang dan bertawakal, Allah maha tinggi dan maha esa, Allah maha lembut”.
(Kantata Takwa - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

33.“Kebimbangan lahirkan gelisah, jiwa gelisah bagai halilintar”.
(Gelisah - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

34.“Bagaimanapun aku harus kembali, walau berat aku rasa kau mengerti”.
(Air Mata - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

35.“Alam semesta menerima perlakuan sia sia, diracun jalan napasnya diperkosa kesuburannya”.
(Untuk Bram - album Iwan Fals Cikal 1991)

36.“Duhai langit, duhai bumi, duhai alam raya, kuserahkan ragaku padamu, duhai ada, duhai tiada, duhai cinta, ku percaya”.
(Pulang Kerja - album Iwan Fals Cikal 1991)

37.“Dimana kehidupan disitulah jawaban”.
(Alam Malam - album Iwan Fals Cikal 1991)

38.“Ada dan tak ada nyatanya ada”.
(Ada - album Iwan Fals Cikal 1991)

39.“Aku sering ditikam cinta, pernah dilemparkan badai, tapi aku tetap berdiri”.
(Nyanyian Jiwa - album Swami Il 1991)

40.“Aku mau jujur jujur saja, bicara apa adanya, aku tak mau mengingkari hati nurani”.
(Hio - album Swami Il 1991)

41.“Bibirku bergerak tetap nyanyikan cinta walau aku tahu tak terdengar, jariku menari tetap tak akan berhenti sampai wajah tak murung lagi”.
(Di Mata Air Tidak Ada Air Mata - album Iwan Fals Belum Ada Judul 1992)

42.“Mengapa besar selalu menang?, bebas berbuat sewenang wenang, mengapa kecil selalu tersingkir?, harus mengalah dan menyingkir”.
(Besar Dan Kecil - album Iwan Fals Belum Ada Judul 1992)

43.“Angin pagi dan nyanyian sekelompok anak muda mengusik ingatanku, aku ingat mimpiku, aku ingat harapan yang semakin hari semakin panjang tak berujung”.
(Aku Disini - album Iwan Fals Belum Ada Judul 1992)

44.“Jalani hidup, tenang tenang tenanglah seperti karang”.
(Lagu Satu - album Iwan Fals Hijau 1992)

45.“Sebentar lagi kita akan menjual air mata kita sendiri, karena air mata kita adalah air kehidupan”.
(Lagu Dua - album Iwan Fals Hijau 1992)

46.“Kita harus mulai bekerja, persoalan begitu menantang, satu niat satulah darah kita, kamu adalah kamu aku adalah aku”.
(Lagu Tiga - album Iwan Fals Hijau 1992)

47.“Kenapa kebenaran tak lagi dicari?, sudah tak pentingkah bagi manusia?”
(Lagu Empat- album Iwan Fals Hijau 1992)

48.“Kenapa banyak orang ingin menang?, apakah itu hasil akhir kehidupan?”.
(Lagu Empat- album Iwan Fals Hijau 1992)

49.“Anjingku menggonggong protes pada situasi, hatiku melolong protes pada kamu”.
(Lagu Lima - album Iwan Fals Hijau 1992)

50.“Biar keadilan sulit terpenuhi, biar kedamaian sulit terpenuhi, kami berdiri menjaga dirimu”.
(Karena Kau Bunda Kami - album Dalbo 1993)

Mungkin hanya ini Kata Kata Bijak Dan Indah Dalam Lirik Lagu Iwan Fals yang bisa kami sajikan dan pastinya sangat tidak lengkap maaf dan harap maklum...

Friday, 30 May 2014

Making The Most Out Of Life With Diabetes

Walnuts make an excellent and nutritious addition to any salad. These nuts contain "good" monosaturated fats, which counter the insulin resistance caused by diabetes. They are also known for having many vitamins and minerals, along with omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Besides having all of these wonderful benefits, they offer an energy boost, and have a great flavor.

These days, diabetics are everywhere. This will help you come to terms with your diagnosis, not to mention prevent you from being inconvenienced.

You'll be surprised at the number of items containing corn syrup, so check labels, and be prepared to put back common items such as ketchup, sodas, sauces and sweets. If you buy food products in Canada, you will want to watch out for any food th

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Cerita Humor Singkat Lucu Kocak Bikin Ngakak

Salam Sejahtera... mungkin saat ini waktu yang sangat tepat untuk mempostingkan Cerita Lucu dikarenakan situasi kondisi saat ini lagi penuh ketegangan dengan adanya pemilu,pileg atau apa saja.tentunya dari pada berada dalam ketegangan mendingan kita cairkan dengan hiburan yang tentu akan sangat menghibur seperti cerita lucu ini ataupun kata kata lucu lainnya pokoknya dengan hal hal yang lucu dan penuh dengan humoran.

Untuk itu disini kami akan coba berikan  Cerita Humor Singkat Lucu Kocak Bikin Ngakak yang bisa menghibur kita semua dan akan membuat pembacanya senang tertawa sepuasnya dan bisa melupakan kesedihan ketegangan atau apa saja yang membuat pikiran ruwet.

cerita lucu

Mari kita simak aja Cerita Lucu yang Kocak dan tentunya akan membuat kita ngakak tertawa terbahak bahak:

Muhe Orang gaptek dan Ceno Orang Kepinteran Berbincang Di pameran Komputer.

Muhe : "Ceno, mau nanya dong? 'ENTER' itu maksudnya apa?"

Ceno dengan sigap menjawab: "Kayaknya untuk mempercepat program deh muh!"

Muhe : "Mempercepat gimana maksudnya Cen?"
Ceno : "Ya biar cepet kerjanya Muh. kalo tulisan nya ENTAR, khan jadinya lamaaa!!"

Muhe: "Oww, tanya lagi ya Cen, ini saya sudah masuk ke Internet Explorer. Kok saya ketik,ngak keluar apa-apa yah?"

Ceno : "Lah, di depan nya udah ngetik www nya belum Muh?"

Muhe : "Memangnya harus ya Cen, sebenarnya www itu apa?"

Ceno: "Eeeehhmmmm... Apa yah? Pokoknya kalo mau masuk ke website memang harus ketik www itu Muh, kode permisi gitu lhooh. kayak nya kalau ngak salah singkatan dari :
Wassalammualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokaatu..."

Muhe:..oh gituu ajiiibb juga ya cen....hehe

Cerita Lucu si Muhe

Si Muhe sedang buru-buru menuju ke kantornya karena kesiangan bangun dan tak sengaja dia menabrak seekor burung di tengah perjalanannya karna menendarai mobilnya dengan sangat cepat dilihatnya burung itu, ternyata kepalanya terluka dan burung itu pingsan karna merasa iba dan bersalah kepada burung itu maka dia memutuskan untuk pulang sesampainya dirumah ditaruhlah burung itu dalam sangkar besi dan diciprat2inya air, tapi burung itu gak sadar juga keesokan harinya ketika dia mau berangkat ke kantor diberinya air dalam wadah kecil dan roti dalam sangkar burung itu dipikirnya 'nanti setelah burung itu sadar pasti dia sangat haus dan lapar' dan dia berangkat kerja seperti biasa.... burung itu ternyata sadar juga burung itu melihat sekitar dilihatnya ada air minum dan septong roti.. terus dia melihat sekelilingnya ternyata dia ada di dalam jeruji besi dan burung itu berkata dalam hati sambil menangis... Oh... Tuhan rupanya kemarin aku menabrak pengendara mobil pasti dia meninggal sehingga aku sekarang di penjara. Maafkan aku Tuhan aku tak sengaja...gkgkgkgk.

Pemuda Dan Polisi

Dua orang pengendara motor berhenti pada lampu
merah dan bermaksud menanyakan jalan pada pak

Pemuda : "Pak...pak,mohon ma'af,numpang
nanya?? kalo jalan terdekat mau ke rumah sakit lewat mana ya

Polisi : "Ooh rumah sakit ya dek...!setelah
lampu merah
kamu jalan terus trus ada gang kamu belok kiri lalu
lewat jembatan belok kanan ada empat gang kamu
lurus setelah itu belok ke kiri???jwb pak

Pemuda : "Smbil garuk garuk kepala pemuda tsb
bertanya kembali.....pak !!! Kejauhan apa ndak ada jalan
pintas biar lebih cepat gitu???

Polisi : "Kamu maunya jalan pintas???Polisi
balik bertanya..gampang kok itu lampu merah kamu srobot trus tabrakin kamu ke truck....ntar juga ada ambulans jemput
langsung masuk rumah sakit!!!?


Bahaya Merokok

Ibu : "Bapak! sudah diberitahu berkali-kali masih juga merokok, rokok itu kan hanya menghambur-hamburkan uang saja!"

Ayah : "Iya saya tau"

Ibu : "Berarti bapak setuju dengan adanya banyak pabrik rokok di negara ini, yang hanya membuat bangsa ini melarat?"

Ayah : "Sebenarnya saya gak setuju dengan adanya pabrik rokok di negara kita ini!"

Ibu : "Trus, knapa masih merokok?"

Ayah : "Sebenarnya ingin sekali Ayah membakar pabrik rokok itu... tetapi apa daya... itu melanggar hukum, maka dari itu Ayah bakar satu-satu!"

ibu : "@#$%%^"

Tukang Ojek Dan Wanita Tua

Pada suatu malam, Bihin seorang tukang ojek yang sedang menunggu pelanggan lagi duduk termenung.kemudian datanglah seorang wanita tua yang mendatangi saya..

Wanita: Mas, ojek dong..

Bihin: Iya bu.. Kedaerah mana ya bu?

Wanita: Ikut aja, nanti saya tunjukin jalannya..

Bihin: Baik bu..

Kemudian mereka pun berangkat menuju kerumah sang wanita tua tersebut..

Wanita: Mas, belok kiri..
Bihin: Baik bu..
Wanita: Kanan mas..
Bihin: Oke..
Wanita: Lurus mas, trus belok kanan lagi dan ambil jalan kiri setelahnya... Turun gunung ada jalan kekiri, setelah lewat sungai kanan ya..
Bihin: Rumah ibu yang mana?
Wanita: Masih lurus lagi mas, pertigaan belok kanan, ada gang kecil disamping kuburan itu rumah saya..
Bihin: Oh iya bu..

Akhirnya sampailah mereka kerumah wanita tua..
Wanita: Berapa mas?
Bihin diam saja ketika ditanya..

Wanita itu kemudian memberikan uang sebanyak 5 ribu rupiah.. Namun tiba-tiba Bihin terlihat sedih dan menangis..

Wanita: Kenapa mas? kurang uangnya? kalo kurang saya tambah 10 ribu ya..

Namun Bihin malah menangis lebih kencang lagi..

Wanita: Masih kurang mas? jangan nangis gitu dong mas.. Ini 50 ribu buat mas dan langsung pulang aja soalnya udah mulai gelap..
Bihin pun bertambah kencang

Wanita: Ada apa sih mas?
Bihin: Sebenarnya saya baru pertama kali ngojek bu, saya lupa jalan pulangnya...

Cerita Si Inem Dan Ikan Mas Ajaib

Pada suatu hari si inem yang tingal di daerah pedalaman yang sangat terpencil pergi ke sebuah sungai untuk mencuci pakaian yang kebetulan sudah seminggu dikumpulkan dalam sebuah keranjang cucian sehingga dapat di bayangkan menumpuknya pakaian yang kotor sekaligus bau punya si inem dan suaminya paijo.
Singkat cerita hampir setengah dari pakaian yang cuci si inem,tak sengaja si inem menoleh ke samping terlihat seekor ikan mas berwarna merah lagi terjepit diantara bebatuan sungai,kemudian tak berpikir panjang si inem menghampiri ikan mas tersebut dan mengambil ikan mas tersebut namun tak dinyana si inem sangat terkejut ketika menangkap ikan mas itu, karena  betapa ajaibnya ikan mas itu bisa bicara:

Ikan Mas : terimah kasih inem, kamu sudah menolongku dari keadaan yang sulit

Inem : Kaget "hah" yaaa yaaa (sambil terbata bata karena ketakutan.

Ikan Mas : Tenang Inem aku tidak akan apa apakan kamu gak usah takut, malahn aku akan membantu kamu ayo sebutkan saja 3 permintaan kamu yang akan aku kabulkan.

Inem : beneran nih,,, aku pengen merubah wajahku yang jelek ini menjadi cantik..!

Ikan mas : sambil memercikan air dari ekornya kewajah si inem,sekarang lihatlah wajah kamu menjadi sangat cantik namun wajah suamimu si paiji 10x lipat menjadi ganteng.

Inem : terima kasih ikan,, sekarang wajahku menjadi sangat cantik,dan suamiku paijo menjadi ganteng.

Ikan mas :  Ayo permintaan yang kedua apa nem?

Inem : aku pengen kayaaaa karena aku bosan hidup miskin.

Ikan mas: okelah kalo begitu dengan sekali semburan 
'seketika si inem menjadi kaya" dan tak ketinggalan si paijo 10x lipat menjadi kaya. terus apalagi permintaanmu

Inem : terima kasih ikan mas,sekarang aku minta penyakit jantung yang ringan ringan saja.

Ikan mas: giiiiillaaaaaaa lu nem dasar kamu istri yang durhaka kamu pengen suamimu mampus karena aku kasih 10x lipat penyuakit jantung dasar istri kurang ajar. ikan mas itu pergi menghilang dan si inem menangis karena wajah dan hartanya yang telah diberikan ikan mas itu raib entah kemana.

Itulah sedikit cerita lucu singkat yang bisa membuat anda tertawa dan dapat menjadi hiburan yang tak akan pernah tergantikan sekian.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

What Is Your Motivation To Work

Those are the words of a man in love.
"Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, 'I'll work for you seven years in return for your younger daughter Rachel.'" Genesis 29:18 (NIV)
Jacob's statement led me to think about the reasons we choose to work. For each of us, the answer may be different. Let's explore some of the most common motivations to work.
"If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Timothy 5:8 (NIV)

For the great majority of the workforce, work provides the financial resources necessary to provide for ourselves and our families. This includes the basic standards of care, such as housing, clothing, and food. It may provide for a means of transportation.
If the income stretches far enough, we may also be able to provide for some of the family's wants and desires, such as extracurricular activities, the latest electronic gadgets, or trips and vacations.
Work is also a way to show others love. As discussed previously, we can demonstrate our love for our family by working to provide for them.

We can also show love for others by working in or with companies and organizations that help others. Many companies provide products and services that help better people's lives. Non-profit organizations support many different causes that are prevalent in our communities.

Whether we work as an employee or a volunteer, our assistance is evidence of our commitment to the people or principles supported by these groups.
We all have a purpose in life. Some of us know what that purpose is. Others are still searching for it. Nevertheless, when we can incorporate that purpose, or our goals, into our worklife, it can be all the more enjoyable.

God wants us to enjoy our work. Solomon tells us in Ecclesiastes 2:24-25, "A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?" (NIV)
While money is a common motivation to work, this is a motivation that needs caution. We need to be careful with how we think about money. While money serves a function in our lives, we cannot let it control us. God knew before we were born the kind of hold that money can put on us.

He provides us with guidance in His Word.
In Luke 16:13, Jesus tells us, "No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." (NIV)
As we consider our own work, as well as the people and the principles that are most important to us, let's evaluate our own level of dedication. Do we display the same passion and enthusiasm for work that Jacob expressed in his quest for Rachel? Can we do more?

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Best Price for Bling Jewelry Celtic Knotwork Claddagh Dangle Heart Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Bling Jewelry Celtic Knotwork Claddagh Dangle Heart Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Bling Jewelry Celtic Knotwork Claddagh Dangle Heart Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Look absolutely radiant when you wear our gorgeous Silver Celtic Knots Claddagh Heart Dangle Earrings, which show the ancient Celtic tradition of making stunning culturally significant jewelry. Finely crafted by high polished .925 sterling silver, these charming yet inexpensive claddagh earrings have an intricate Celtic knot design that will turn you into an enchanting beauty. The heart, hands and crown are used to symbolize loyalty, love and friendship, and make a gorgeous claddagh jewelry piece that will get the crowd staring at your every move. These pair of unique yet affordable sterling silver dangle earrings are also the perfect gift for Valentines day, or for anyone on your holiday gift list.

List Price : $61.99 Price : $29.99

Below is why i think all of you should buy Bling Jewelry Celtic Knotwork Claddagh Dangle Heart Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Irish Claddagh style
1in L x .5in W
.925 Sterling Silver
Total Weight 2.8 grams
pierced ears only

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Monday, 26 May 2014

What you need to know for Bling Jewelry 925 Silver Nautical Blue Turquoise Color Seahorse Dangle Earrings

Bling Jewelry 925 Silver Nautical Blue Turquoise Color Seahorse Dangle Earrings

Bling Jewelry 925 Silver Nautical Blue Turquoise Color Seahorse Dangle Earrings

Ladies, get a fabulous summertime look that you will want to wear all year long, when you purchase these gorgeous enamel turquoise seahorse dangle earrings. These amazing beach jewelry will make a wonderful, if playful adition to your collection of nautical themed jewelry. Wear these seahorse drop earrings as adorable replicas of one of your favorite sea creatures. The blue enameled accents on its body make it a perfect choice every time you go to the beach, or pretty much anywhere for summer fun. Perfect with any summer outfit, these silver nautical jewelry will have you feeling as light hearted as they are light weight. Buy a pair of these nautical jewelry for women for yourself or a friend. Please note these dangling earrings are for pierced ears only.

List Price : $73.99 Price : $35.99

Written below is why i think all of you should buy Bling Jewelry 925 Silver Nautical Blue Turquoise Color Seahorse Dangle Earrings

Dangling Seahorse Earrings
1.35in L x 0.3in W
Weighs 2.75 Grams
For Pierced Ears Only
.925 Sterling Silver, Enamel

Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Bling Jewelry 925 Silver Nautical Blue Turquoise Color Seahorse Dangle Earrings this month.

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Sunday, 25 May 2014

Latest Deal for Ash Women's Cool Ter Fashion Sneaker,Nude,38 EU/8 M US

Ash Women's Cool Ter Fashion Sneaker,Nude,38 EU/8 M US

Ash Women's Cool Ter Fashion Sneaker,Nude,38 EU/8 M US

Posh leather and a concealed wedge combine for a fashion-forward look.

List Price : $295.00 Price : $149.99

Written below is why i think all of you should buy Ash Women's Cool Ter Fashion Sneaker,Nude,38 EU/8 M US

Posh leather and a concealed wedge combine for a fashion-forward look.

Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Ash Women's Cool Ter Fashion Sneaker,Nude,38 EU/8 M US this month.

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Saturday, 24 May 2014

Lovely Styles The Indian native Bride Hopes for

Shringar Patti? Employed as a headgear, is genuinely a should for just about any Hindu marriage ceremony. This kind of Shringar Patti uses the middle rupture of your respective hairline. A new round plaque is in the central and it employs the hairline just to fall within the temple. The oral plaque buildup is what makes the piece of jewellery beautiful, considering that these are obtainable in various layouts, adorned along with stones and it is colorful. Bridal Arranged Go to just about any jewellers and inquire them to get bridal jewellery models and what the thing is is really a completely new variety of traditional styles that is established much completely different than they would say normal items of diamond jewelry. Bridal sets are bulkier, a lot of craftsmanship required and heavy. The established generally has earrings, diamond necklace, finger ring and a bracelet. Chudi? Generally known as bangles, you might decide to use them either inside glass or gold, or maybe a blend of both. Nearly all Punjabi weddings also have ivory bangles in colors regarding white and red. Natth Often known as the nose ring, adidas sweater is crucial for any Maharashtrian marriage, within the couple of precious stones embedded on it and perhaps has a sequence that you may stick to nice hair. You might choose this particular piece of diamond jewelry to add to your own bridal set for any unique and various appearance.

Payal Typically the anklet 's been around for centuries, infact this even represents the actual Indian feminine effect. You might get them in sterling silver or if you would like shop, gold is the best best choice. You might decide on beads as well as stone studded anklets which might be created using meenakari or kundan job. Baaju Bandd? Also referred to as a arm group, it will be adds elegance to your bridesmaid outfit and full jewellery fixed. The advantage of a large choice within bridal jewellery is that you simply may mix-n-match jewellery styles from different states to brighten your bridesmaid jewellery variety.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Videos Can Be Used For Marketing Your Business

Video marketing gives you a way to be more personal with your customers. Have customers supply you with questions to answer in a weekly video. Send out some sample products to the chosen questions.

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Thursday, 22 May 2014

How Do You Control Anger

But first let us look at some of the causes of anger and impatience.
Why is everyone so impatient and angry lately? It seems that nobody has any tolerance anymore. Just take a look around you. If it isn't road rage, then it is just the general aggressiveness of people around us and it just seems to be getting worse.

Why people are so impatient nowadays is due to the fact that we live in a society of instant gratification. With all the advances in technology, we want everything to work quickly and efficiently and with no problems. The instant results we get from this technology have increased our appetite for instant gratification in other aspects of our lives.

We aren't willing to wait in line for anything. We would rather spend on credit then save up for anything. We don't even have the patience to read an entire article anymore.
Unfortunately, impatience has its downside in more ways than one. It can even cause us harm.
Impatience can cause anger issues. If for instance you were driving behind a slow vehicle, how many people will risk their lives passing, rather than wait until they are absolutely certain that it is safe to do so. Impatient people often make unsafe choices and bad decisions.

A recent study also found that impatience could also lead to obesity. It is far easier to eat fast food than wait for a healthy meal to be cooked.
Impatient people are also very likely to be chronic procrastinators, as they don't have to patience to see a difficult task through to completion. Impatient people are also more likely to abuse alcohol and this can also lead to violence.

Impatience can also lead to the loss of friendships. Impatient people have lost the ability to listen to meaningful conversation. Who wants to chat to somebody who is always in a rush or who taps their foot and looks at their watch when you are trying to talk to them?
So we need to make a conscious effort to work on our patience and anger levels. Take the time to see what triggers your anger. Work out if you are tired or hungry at the time, and then make a conscious effort to be more patient and less angry the next time the situation strikes.

Try to simplify your life. Multitasking does nothing for your stress or patience levels. It is difficult to stay focussed when you have too much on your plate. Beware of time wasting gadgets and hobbies. Try to plan your day in advance, and then try to stick to the plan.
Last but not least, try to be realistic. Don't expect things to always happen as fast as you would wish. Remember you can't always control circumstances. Rather focus on those circumstances that you can control. The reality of life is that it does little good to worry over the things that you can't control.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Best Price for Red Garnet and Diamond Princess Cut Channel Set Wedding Band 0.65ct tw in 14K Yellow Gold.size 7.0

Red Garnet and Diamond Princess Cut Channel Set Wedding Band 0.65ct tw in 14K Yellow Gold.size 7.0

Red Garnet and Diamond Princess Cut Channel Set Wedding Band 0.65ct tw in 14K Yellow Gold.size 7.0

This is Beautiful 0.65ct tw Wedding Band which has 0.30ct tw Natural White Princess Cut Diamond (SI1-SI2-Clarity, G-H-Color) & 0.35ct tw Natural Princess Cut Red Garnet (SI1-SI2-Clarity,Red-Color) in 14K Yellow Gold.There are total 6 Natural White Princess Cut Diamonds & 7 Natural Princess Cut Red Garnet which are beautifully set using Channel Setting.The birthstone of April,Diamond represent Love & Faithfulness.Red Garnet,the birthstone for January encourages Honesty & Truthfulness.This Ring Ships with a Jewelry Box and Inhouse Appraisal Certifying Authenticity.size 7.0

List Price : $605.00 Price : $579.00

Written below is why i think all of you should buy Red Garnet and Diamond Princess Cut Channel Set Wedding Band 0.65ct tw in 14K Yellow Gold.size 7.0

6 Natural White Princess Cut Diamonds & 7 Natural Princess Cut Red Garnet set using Channel Setting.
SI1-SI2-Clarity, G-H Color Diamond & SI1-SI2- Clarity,Red Color Red Garnet.
Gemstones may have been Treated to Improve their Appearance or Durability & may Require Special Care.
The Natural Properties & Composition of Mined Gemstones define the Unique Beauty of each Piece. The Image may show Slight Differences to the Actual Stone in Color & Texture.
All our Diamonds to our Best Knowledge are not Conflict Diamonds.

Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Red Garnet and Diamond Princess Cut Channel Set Wedding Band 0.65ct tw in 14K Yellow Gold.size 7.0 this month.

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Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Kumpulan Gambar Gambar Lucu Untuk Komentar Facebook

Gambar Lucu Untuk Komentar Facebook ini mungkin bertujuan buat lucu lucuan aja karena tak bisa dipungkiri FB sekarang ini sering dijadikan tempat curhat,berkeluh kesah dan lain sebagainya,terutama para abg.

Nah untuk kali ini kita akan coba berikan gambar gambar lucu buat komen fb yang bisa berguna untuk dijadikan hiburan di fb dan tentunya tidak akan membuat kita bosen untuk terus fb_an karena seringkali kita melihat status teman yang begitu begitu aja.

Berikut kita simak Gambar Gambar Komen Lucu Di Facebook dan semoga kita dapat menggunakannya sebagai hiburan semata:

Monday, 19 May 2014

Reviews for X-Wing Pilot Costume - Medium

X-Wing Pilot Costume - Medium

X-Wing Pilot Costume - Medium

Item Sizing: The size guide found below is specific to the costume in this listing. Other costumes may have different sizing patterns. For example, company A's size medium may be equivalent to company B's size large. Be sure to check the size chart closely to make sure you know what you are ordering. The list below may indicate that more than one size fits you. If you are unsure of which size to choose, then go with the larger size because these costumes may tend to run small.

Measurements are stated in inches.

Size One Size | Chest 29-34 | Waist 23-27 | Height 50-54

Size Toddler | Chest 23-24 | Waist 22-24 | Height 35-39

Size Small | Chest 27-28 | Waist 25-26 | Height 44-48

Size Medium | Chest 29-32 | Waist 27-30 | Height 50-54

Size Large | Chest 33-35 | Waist 31-34 | Height 56-60

Size X-Large | Chest 35-39 | Waist 32-35 | Height 58-60

Item Color(s): This item's color(s) may vary due to inherent variations manufacturing dye application or your computer monitor's color settings.

List Price : $91.90 Price : $37.53

Here is why i think all of you should buy X-Wing Pilot Costume - Medium

Set includes jumpsuit w/boot tops, vest and chest piece w/straps, belt & headpiece.
This child X-Wing Pilot comes in sizes Large, Small, Medium.
This X-Wing Pilot is an officially licensed Star Wars costume.
Please note: This item's color may vary due to inherent manufacturing variations or your computer monitor's color settings. The item you receive will be identical or substantially similar to the item pictured in this listing.

Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for X-Wing Pilot Costume - Medium this month.

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Sunday, 18 May 2014

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Saturday, 17 May 2014

Best Offers for Ash Women's Cool Ter Fashion Sneaker,Silver,40 EU/10 M US

Ash Women's Cool Ter Fashion Sneaker,Silver,40 EU/10 M US

Ash Women's Cool Ter Fashion Sneaker,Silver,40 EU/10 M US

Perforated leather lends a sports-inspired texture throughout, and a padded tongue and top line add a cool finish. Covered wedge heel and rubber sole.

List Price : $265.00 Price : $149.99

List below is why i think all of you should buy Ash Women's Cool Ter Fashion Sneaker,Silver,40 EU/10 M US


Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Ash Women's Cool Ter Fashion Sneaker,Silver,40 EU/10 M US this month.

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Friday, 16 May 2014

Hide My Ass Mobile Device App

There are many VPN services that offer mobile device app for their users. This is reasonable because there are many mobile users from around the world these days. Hide My Ass and IP Vanish are two most popular VPN services in the world. Many people are interested to use both services in their mobile devices.

In this review, you are able to learn about both services.

Are you looking for the best VPN server that can meet your purposes? You can find many high quality VPN services that are available on the Internet these days. Hide My Ass and IP Vanish are two most popular VPN services. There are many customers who want to use these services for supporting their business.
These services offer a lot of benefits and features for all users. Both of them have mobile device apps for their mobile users. If you use your mobile device a lot, you may want to consider these mobile device apps. You can get some information about these mobile device applications from Hide My Ass and IP Vanish from this article.

1. Hide My Ass.
Hide My Ass is a popular VPN service that is available on the Internet. There are many people using this service for supporting their needs and purposes. This service has mobile app for all users. It means that this service can be accessed from your mobile devices easily.
Hide My Ass can be accessed from any types of mobile devices. It has an app for iOS devices. This service can be accessed from the Android phone without using any software. There are many benefits offered by this mobile app.

Easy Installation.
This is a benefit that you can get from Hide My Ass VPN mobile app. This application can be installed in your mobile devices easily. You do not have to do any complicated procedures when installing this app. It may only take about several minutes when you want to install this Hide My Ass mobile app in your favorite mobile devices.
Because of this easy installation procedure, many people are able to use this software in their mobile devices, such as iPhone, iPad, Android tablets, Android phones, and many other gadgets.

Secure Connection.
If you are looking for the secure VPN connection, you may want to consider Hide My Ass. This service is equipped with security system that can protect your credentials when browsing on the Internet. You can apply a password to protect your account and any other important information in your mobile device.
This is an important feature that you should have when choosing the right VPN service. That is the reason why Hide My Ass VPN mobile app is very popular among many people these days.

2. IP Vanish.
IP Vanish VPN is one of the premium VPN services in the world. This company has mobile app for all mobile users. This mobile app can be accessed from several different platforms, including iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, Android phones, Android tablets, and many other devices.
This mobile app can be accessed from iOS or Android system. It means that you can use this mobile app for any types of your mobile devices. You can simply put your login information in the mobile app before you can get access to the server. The installation process is very simple to do.

Here are some benefits offered by this mobile app from IP Vanish.
Secure and Fast Connection.
This mobile app can be used to access more than 7000 IPs from 47 countries around the world. This system is created to provide the most convenient Internet browsing in mobile phone. There are many people using this mobile app for improving the security in their mobile devices.

This mobile app is equipped with PPTP and L2TP protocols. These versions may ensure that you get secure and quick connection to its VPN server. This VPN service can ensure that you can get access to some websites safely. You can protect your online identity and data safely.

Supported by 24/7 customer service.
IP Vanish mobile device app is supported by 24/7 customer service. It means that you can contact its customer care representatives when you have any problems with the server. This is a great feature offered by this service. You do not have to worry when you face any issues when using this VPN mobile app service.

This company is committed to give the best service for all customers. It has professional and friendly customer care agents who are ready to help you solve any problems that you may have.

Competitive Pricing.
This is another benefit that you can get by choosing the IP Vanish VPN mobile app service. This service offers very competitive pricing for all users. You can enjoy high quality service at very affordable price. Because of that reason, many people are interested to choose this VPN service.
This service is very suitable for all people who want to get access to the fastest VPN connection at very affordable rate. You do not have to spend a lot of money when using this VPN service for any purposes.

Those are some benefits and features offered by Hide My Ass and IP Vanish. If you want to find the best VPN service, you may want to consider these services. They receive a lot of positive reviews from all customers. These reviews show that these services are very popular these days.
They can provide the best service for all customers. You can rely on the performance of these VPN services. Both services provide you with mobile apps that allow you to access their servers from your mobile devices.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

What you need to know for Jerzees Heavyweight Sleeveless T-Shirt. 49M - Light Oxford 49M 3XL

Jerzees Heavyweight Sleeveless T-Shirt. 49M - Light Oxford 49M 3XL

Jerzees Heavyweight Sleeveless T-Shirt. 49M - Light Oxford 49M 3XL

100% cotton preshrunk jersey; tear-away label; double-needle stitched; 1x1 ribbed collar with shoulder-to-shoulder tape; seamless body for wide printing area; Ash is 98% cotton, 2% polyester; Atheltic Heather is 90% cotton, 10% polyester;

List Price : $11.00 Price : $11.40

Here is why i think all of you should buy Jerzees Heavyweight Sleeveless T-Shirt. 49M - Light Oxford 49M 3XL

100% cotton preshrunk jersey; tear-away label; double-needle stitched; 1x1 ribbed collar with shoulder-to-shoulder tape; seamless body for wide printing area; Ash is 98% cotton, 2% polyester; Atheltic Heather is 90% cotton, 10% polyester;

Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Jerzees Heavyweight Sleeveless T-Shirt. 49M - Light Oxford 49M 3XL this month.

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Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Cartier Art in Jewelry

Although few people can afford to buy Cartier jewelry or watches, to simply behold the beauty of these creations holds a fascination for many. Cartier jewelry evokes pleasure for people.
Cartier is sold through its 200 boutiques, located in 125 countries. The headquarters has always been in Paris. Cartier is known as: "The Jeweler to Kings; the King of the Jewelers."

Cartier is the top name in the world for exquisite jewelry. Cartier watches, engagement rings, bracelets, glasses, and cigarette lighters are among the favorite possessions of the well-to-do.
Cartier has received royal warrants to supply royal jewels-including crowns-to England, Spain, Portugal, Russia, Siam (Thailand), Greece, Serbia, Belgium, Romania, Egypt, Albania, and Monaco.

Cartier creates art in jewelry. The company has an interesting history, which dates back to 1847. There is no name in the world that carries the same panache as Cartier.
See all 27 photos CARTIER JEWELRY See all 27 photos CARTIER HOPE DIAMOND A BRIEF HISTORY OF CARTIERCartier was founded in 1847 by a Paris jeweler-Louis-Francois Cartier (1819-1904). His son Alfred Cartier (1841-1925) took over the firm in 1874. And Alfred's three sons-Louis, Pierre, and Jacques-are the men who made Cartier a world famous name in jewelry and watches.

Louis Cartier remained in Paris to run the company. He became the designer who created the Cartier style we know today-Art Deco; ornate but simple. Jacques Cartier opened and managed the store in London; while Pierre Cartier did the same in New York.
Louis Cartier was perhaps the first jeweler to use platinum. He was an extremely rare combination: a gifted artist and a shrewd businessman.

Cartier moved into its current headquarters in Paris in 1899. It opened the London store in 1902, and the New York store in 1909. These three cities continue to host the flagship stores of Cartier.
The Cartier family of jewelers relinquished control of the business after Pierre died in 1964. He was preceded in death by his brothers, Louis and Jacques, both of whom passed on in 1942.

See all 27 photos CARTIER LADIES GOLD WATCH WITH DIAMONDS See all 27 photos CARTIER WATCH CARTIER WATCHESCartier created the first ladies bracelet watch in 1888. In 1904, Cartier created the first men's wrist watch-the "Santos."
The company achieved further fame in 1912 with the introduction of the "mystery clock." This is a clock with no obvious connection between the hands and the mechanism.

In 1913, Cartier unveiled the famed Bagnoire design of ladies watches, which are still produced today. They are of a soft and feminine design; meant to mark the peaceful passing of time.
That same year, the Cartier Tortue watch for ladies debuted. It is a more sensual style. A version for men came out in 1928. These original designs by Louis Cartier are still in great demand today.

Perhaps the most successful of the Cartier watches is the "Tank." The Cartier Tank appeared on the stage in 1917, named in honor of allied tank commanders fighting World War One. The proportions, lines, and colors are meant to represent the Peugeot tanks used by France in that conflict.

The Baguette Watch was created in 1926. This is a bejeweled miniature watch, known for its "baguette" cut-a narrow rectangle with a flat top.

See all 27 photos CARTIER TANK WATCH See all 27 photos CARTIER WATCH See all 27 photos CARTIER GOLD WATCH WITH DIAMONDS See all 27 photos CARTIER TRINITY BRACELET See all 27 photos CARTIER TRINITY RING CARTIER JEWELRY In 1895, the Cartier Oval Solitaire engagement ring was unveiled.
This has remained a staple in the Cartier lineup and has been copied by every jeweler on the planet since.

Cartier sold the "Blue" Hope Diamond to an American socialite in 1910. The Hope Diamond was long thought to be cursed. Its history can be definitely traced back to 17th Century France. Today, it is housed at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C.
The Cartier Trinity Ring and Trinity Bracelet came on the scene in 1924. They are named "trinity" for the three colors of gold used in their design.

In the 1920s, Cartier produced an exotic style of jewelry called "Tutti Frutti." These pieces of art featured gemstones from India-rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and diamonds-arranged in flamboyant splendor, which satisfied a certain fascination with the East prevalent at that time.

In 1955, Cartier designed a coral necklace for Maria Felix. It is made from carved coral set in platinum with emerald, onyx and white coral beads.

See all 27 photos CARTIER OVAL SOLITAIRE 1895 ENGAGEMENT RING See all 27 photos CARTIER WEDDING BAND See all 27 photos CARTIER TUTTI FRUTTI NECKLACE See all 27 photos CARTIER "MARIA FELIX" CORAL NECKLACE See all 27 photos CARTIER ASTRO LOVE RING See all 27 photos CARTIER INDIA RING POPULAR CARTIER ITEMS TODAY Among popular products produced by Cartier are the Cartier Astro Love Ring, which opens up into a globe.

The Cartier India Ring features engraved onyx surrounded by diamonds.
The Cartier Panther Ring is a tribute to the wild nature and beauty of that animal.
Cartier Charm Bracelet: mounted in platinum and 18K white gold, the 11 charms include diamonds, emeralds, rubies and sapphires.
Men's Cartier Diamond Rings are prized for their hand crafted perfection.

Cartier leather bracelets, made with brown or black leather and titanium steel.
Cartier pink Sapphire and Diamond bracelets are particularly beautiful and highly sought after.
Cartier Diamond Platinum Bracelets, oft times have a total diamond weight of 10 cts.
Cartier ladies gold watches with diamonds, which sometimes feature as many as 71 diamonds set in yellow gold.

Cartier Asscher Rings, has the distinctive asscher cut, a square similar to an emerald cut.
Cartier Pasha ladies watches have proven to be quite popular over the years.
See all 27 photos CARTIER PANTHER RING See all 27 photos MENS CARTIER DIAMOND RING See all 27 photos CARTIER ASSCHER RING See all 27 photos CARTIER CHARM BRACELET See all 27 photos CARTIER LEATHER BRACELET See all 27 photos CARTIER PINK SAPPHIRE DIAMOND BRACELET See all 27 photos CARTIER DIAMOND BRACELET See all 27 photos CARTIER DIAMOND BRACELET See all 27 photos CARTIER PLATINUM AND DIAMOND SAPPHIRE BRACELET See all 27 photos CARTIER EYE GLASSES See all 27 photos CARTIER CIGARETTE LIGHTERS CARTIER ACCESSORIESNo doubt, watches are the main focus of Cartier, with jewelry a close second.

Everything Cartier does, it does well.
In the 1980s, Cartier began to market accessories, e.g., cigarette lighters, pens, wallets, cuff links, key rings, eye glasses, sunglasses, scarves, desk items, and perfumes-elegant things at modest prices. This astute move brought products with the famous Cartier brand name within the reach of middle class consumers for the first time.

See all 27 photos CARTIER LIGHTER Amazing Cartier: Jewelry Design since 1937 Buy Now Cartier and America Buy Now Cartier: Innovation Through the 20th Century Buy Now

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Stay With The Times With The Latest Tech News

In addition, it simultaneously has made the entire world a more compact place to dwell in, not only by making us speak with ourselves but also letting us understand one another far better.

Technology hasn't merely introduced us nearer but additionally had created us much more complete, or even I can say better than what we would have been without it.
It has made people today more mindful of the things which are occurring around us as well as gadgets that are in fact likely to support us in the future. Furthermore, it produced folks more conscious of their talents, by exploiting their own permanently. Today you can find someone's among us that have made productive modification in lifestyle as well as themselves with the aid of latest tech news, obtainable to the technology blogs.

The latest technology news made us know our true potential, of exactly what can we all do and just what can we discover from the world around us.
Kids as we understand are actually far more strong as of late, than we in their age. Technology has manufactured quite a few improvements these days so we nevertheless never know most of them. May very well be with this particular rate of advancement today it would be incredibly tough to maintain pace together with the generation coming ahead.

Right now to date most of us are aware that with changing times we all want to reform ourselves, keep us up-to-date and ought to stick to up the latest trend within the marketplace, not just for details, but in addition for the each day wants.
Every single day news as well as media stories is not at all much like technology news, it may perhaps consist of a part of it, but it is simply not covers every thing within it.

If you're a great reader and have a desire for technology then just you'll be able to see what the creators of lovely tomorrow would like present us. Only our interest within this stream could lead us to someplace very near to what is named tomorrow. May perhaps be something may be left and may possibly not be observed with your eyes for a while, yet at the steady follow-up with the devices and gizmos forthcoming nowadays, we are going to not be missing much from it.

Technology on its way currently reduces its cost and increases its productiveness every day. Thus it is incredibly significant for all of us to know of the most recent incoming releases within the technology.
To do that we could all keep a record of the most up-to-date Tech News & Reviews with the help of technology blogs.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Moss Agate Jewelry, Facts and Folklore

Here you will find a selection of many different pieces of moss agate jewelry for sale. Browse through current eBay auction listings, Amazon jewelry selections, as well as find out where else you can shop for affordable, beautiful moss agate jewelry designs today. You'll also learn more about the properties of this material and the mystical powers associated with it - and see some of my own designs featuring this stone which might give you inspiration for your own beadwork in the future.
Moss agate pendants come in all colors and shapes! See all 9 photos Source: sockii Pendants for Sale on Amazon - To wear alone or in your own jewelry designsA single pendant is perfect for making a fashion statement - or if you create your own jewelry, you can use it as the centerpiece for a beaded necklace design.
Crystal point pendants are always popular for those who believe in the healing properties of stones.
Lucky Crystal Point Necklace in Moss Agate Gemstone Buy Now Moss Agate Sterling Silver Rhombic PendantMoss agate pendants are so unique, they really stand out in unique settings and unusual shapes. This piece of Siberian moss agate is perfect in a parallelogram!
Buy Now Matching square-cut earrings and pendants make a great gift set.
Facts and Folklore about Moss Agate - Things to Know...
Moss Agate is a semi-precious stone in the agate family, which is formed from silicon dioxide. Green minerals included in the silicon give moss agate its characteristic "mossy" look, which some also describe as looking like blue cheese.

Despite its name and appearance, there is no organic or mossy components in this stone - it is purely mineral based. Its colors can range from dark green to rusty orange, opaque and cloudy grey to almost perfectly clear.

Moss agate is found in many different regions of the world, and is also known as "Mocha Stone".

Spiritually, moss agate is considered the most powerful of all of the agates, and a stone used by warriors. It is believed to help balance emotional energy, increase endurance and improve concentration. When used in jewelry, it is believed to help bring friends and fortune to the wearer and is connected to the Heart Chakra. It can be used to help bring communication and connection to the "Plant Kingdom" and is considered useful in achieving success in crop agriculture and gardening.

Other varieties of agate include eye, tree, fire, snakeskin, blue lace and carnelian.
Reference sources:
* Moss agate gemstone meaning
* Moss agate - Wikipedia
* Moss agate -
Amulet Celtic Triquetra Protection Knot Moss Agate Good Luck Leather NecklaceAnother unique celtic design featuring agate and stainless steel.
Buy Now Celtic Triquetra Knot Protection Amulet Moss Agate Heart NecklaceI love the design of this gorgeous heart pendant - a perfect gift for someone you love.
Buy Now Pendants for Sale on eBay - Bid Today on These Stones and PendantsOn eBay you can often find a wide variety available and often at discounted, even wholesale prices, direct from the manufacturer or designer. Sometimes you can find great vintage pieces as well.
30mm round donut ring gemstone pendant beads 1pc , 10 materials selectable
Buy Now Necklaces for Sale on eBay - Bid Today on These Lovely DesignsFrom classic beadwork to modernistic, large necklaces that make a statement. Check out some currently running auctions below.
HERMOSA FIRE AMETHYST MOSS AGATE 925 Sterling Silver New Necklace 20" 586
Buy Now The Healing Properties of Moss AgateBracelets to showcase moss agate beads and stones See all 9 photos One of my beaded moss agate bracelets.Source: sockii Bracelets for Sale on eBay - Bid Today on These Attractive DesignsDramatic, multi-stone designs set in sterling silver, or simple elastic bracelets of round beads...every style is available.
8mm Nature Natural Stone Gemstone Round Bead Stretchy Bracelets 7"/7.5"/8"/8.5"
Buy Now Where is this mineral found in nature?Check out the Mineralogy Database to find out! Their global map spotlights locations as well as describes the properties of this mineral in detail.
Bracelets for Sale on Amazon - Power bracelets to elegant cuffsDesigner Ellis Green Moss Agate Bead Infinity Clasp BraceletGenerous size, a classic design with sterling silver and moss agate combined.
Buy Now A seriously unique style that's sure to be a conversation starter! Made of gold-plated pewter and crushed stone chips.
Pame Design Crushed Cuff with Green Moss Agate Buy Now Moss agate earrings can be delicate yet eye-catching. See all 9 photos Moss agate earrings can be delicate yet eye-catching.Source: sockii Earrings for Sale on Amazon - Stud and dangle stylesAna Silver Co Green Moss Agate, Peridot 925 Sterling Silver Earrings 2" JewelryBeautiful drop style showcasing both green agate and lighter green peridot.
Buy Now Ana Silver Co Green Moss Agate 925 Sterling Silver Earrings 1 1/2" JewelryUnique, handcrafted silver earrings with a truly delicate look.
Buy Now Jan Michaels Antiqued Brass Plated Moss Green Stone French Lace Swag Dangle Post EarringsGo for a vintage look with this fabulous pair of earrings. To me they look like tiny pocketbooks!
Buy Now Orchid Cove Handcrafted Moss Quartz Gem Stone Earrings with Antique Finished Pewter Beads and Hypoallergenic Stainless Steel EarwiresClassic, understated elegance that works from casual to formal dress.
Buy Now Earrings for Sale on eBay - Bid Today on These EarringsOne of the challenges with moss agate in earring designs is finding stones that match closely in color and inclusions.
Carnelian Moss Agate Black Agate Rose Quartz Tiger'e Eye Gemstone Hook Earrings
Buy Now Do you believe in the healing properties of stones? - Fact or Fiction: What's your opinion?Do you believe gemstones and minerals can have metaphysical, spiritual or healing properties?
Yes, I believe and I use stones for such purposes.

No, I think that's all a bunch of nonsense! I wear/collect stones because they are pretty.

I'm not sure.

Other (leave a comment!)
See results without votingRings for Sale on Amazon - Sterling silver settings that show off these one-of-a-kind gemsAna Silver Co Green Moss Agate 925 Sterling Silver Ring Size 7 JewelryA mystical, forest scene seems to appear out of the mist in this lovely ring.
Buy Now Ana Silver Co Large Green Moss Agate 925 Sterling Silver Ring Size 8 JewelryFor a more vintage look, try this design with elegant silver work and patterns.
Buy Now Rings for Sale on eBay - Bid Today on These RingsMoss agate makes for lovely rings when set in antiqued sterling silver or more modern designs.
Ana Silver Co Moss Agate 925 Sterling Silver Ring Size 8
Buy Now Make your own jewelry with moss agate beads See all 9 photos As a jewelry maker myself, I love using moss agate in my designs because of its versatility.Source: sockii Beads for Jewelry on Amazon - Stones in a Variety of Shapes and Sizes for Making Your Own JewelryI love working with moss agate when I'm making my own jewelry. The variety of colors, patterns and shapes available make each piece a unique challenge. Sometimes I like to keep a design focused purely on moss agate in light to dark shades. Otherwise, it works very well with different stones including onyx, turquoise, moonstone, hematite and malachite.
Genuine Moss Agate Gemstone Beads 4mm RoundTiny round beads that work great with pears, silver, and Czech glass.
Buy Now 8X16mm Twist Moss Agate Beads Strand 15 Inch Jewelry Making BeadsTwist beads are great for chunkier, more masculine jewelry. Try combining with onyx and hematite.
Buy Now Genuine Small Green Moss Agate 3mm Round Beads /16 Inch StrandThese small, delicate beads are perfect for earrings or weaving with tiny seed beads.
Buy Now A Strand Moss Agate Freeform Loose Bead 15.5 InchGo crazy with these freeform beads! Great for more artistic designs.
Buy Now Moss agate jewelry isn't just for women. It can make fore lovely mens fashion items like these cufflinks.
Moss Agate Cufflinks! - A unique gift item for him.Hanfords of London Handmade Gold Plated Cufflinks with Oval Green Moss Agate Stones. Birthstone for Gemini, May, June & September. Buy Now Where Else to Buy Moss Agate Jewelry and Beads - Links to Other RetailersAmazon and eBay aren't the only places to find jewelry and beads. Here are some other places you can find great designs and high-quality moss agate stones.

Moss Agate on Etsy
Find hand-crafted jewelry and beading supplies on Etsy.

Moss Agate Jewelry - Luckygemstone
Beaded and silver-set jewelry.

Moss Agate Jewelry - Earth's Treasure
Rings, earrings and pendants.

Fire Mountain Gems - Moss Agate Beads
One of the internet's largest suppliers for jewelry makers.
A few more of my designs... - Get inspired for making your own moss agate jewelryClick thumbnail to view full-sizeSee all 9 photosHere I've used moss agate, pewter, and adventurine.Source: sockiiSee all 9 photosI love the striking orange in this pendant piece; I've combined it with new jade, glass and sterling silver.Source: sockiiSee all 9 photosMoonstone is a wonderful accent in this necklace with the darker colors of the agate.Source: sockiiSee all 9 photosTurquoise and colored Czech glass beads complete this striking set.Source: sockiiWhat Stones and Materials Complement Moss Agate?Turquoise
Green adventurine
New jade
Zebra jasper
Other forms of agate
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Sunday, 11 May 2014

Army Wives Viral Review

And it had a very interesting concept, as it made everyone think twice about a lot of moral issues that we face each day. As for some of the details of the show, we see David at the youth center where things seems to be looking up for him as it is all going good, so far at least.
Because things suddenly change when he gets into an accident with his friend and he starts bleeding. What makes this very dangerous is that he has HIV, which could easily infect someone else if they get in contact with his blood. But thankfully, Rowland who knows all about this was there, and he found out that the other boy, Dustin, had a cut in which some of Davids blood got in, so he decided to rush them to the hospital.

But as soon as they went there, the boys parents, Dustins parents were very awfully rude and impolite towards David Joan and Rowland; they werent justified at all as they were all trying to do the best for their son.
The doctors alongside Rowland start to assure the parents that the possibility of Dustin getting HIV due to his contact with the blood is very low, and that they will do all the needed tests to make sure he is good. And they will keep doing these tests on the course of months to make sure that Dustin is okay.

But nonetheless, the mother doesnt care for all of this, as she isnt hearing any of that the doctors are saying, she started to throw a tantrum and screams loudly that David has HIV and that he could have infected her son, which makes David very embarrassed.
And now onto another scene, as we see Joan going on her popular and successful new website before she goes to school, and she sees that Dustin mothers filing a complaint out of anger and care for her son against David for having HIV, and she said that David HIV should prevent him to be at the Youth Center and that he should be banned.

And she started to warn everyone from playing with him. But of course, Joan takes action towards this nonsense as she isnt going to see what that woman is saying about her son, so she deletes the comments and all what Dustins mother said. But this is not over, as we see Charlie stating that she is getting alto of calls from parents asking if David is going to show in at the Youth Center or no, so Joan and Rowland both took the decision to send David to school and youth camp until all of this cools down a bit.

This is only one of the amazing stories that got presented to us during this episode of Army Wives; all in all it was more than an amazing episode that gave us a lot to think about.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Kumpulan Gambar Kata Kata Cinta Romantis

Bicara tentang cinta memang sangat banyak definisinya tergantung orang yang sedang mengalaminya,tapi ada yang bilang cinta itu ibarat kupu kupu semakin dikejar semakin lari dan kalau di diamkan ia akan menghampiri.

Cukuplah segitu penerangan tentang cinta..hehe,dan untuk kali ini kami akan coba sajikan Gambar Kata Kata Cinta Romantis yang bisa kita gunakan untuk mengungkapkan perasaan kita pada kekasih bisa melalui mms Ataupun bisa untuk dp bbm agar sang pujaan hati  bisa tahu isi hati kita.

Daripada panjang lebar kesana kemari dan tak akan menemukan ujungnya bila sudah bicara tentang cinta lebih baik kita simak Gambar Kata Kata Cinta Romantis berikut ini:

Itulah beberapa Gambar Kata Kata Cinta Romantis yang dapat anada simak dan mudah mudahan ada manfaatnya....

Friday, 9 May 2014

Best 5 Note Taking Apps for Android

So whether you're a school champ or a highly organized business professional, you will need an application that can keep your notes, memos, and other tidbits of information organized. The demand of buying latest gadgets from the market has been increased tremendously as the mobile apps can help you perform your daily tasks in an innovative, convenient, and extremely useful manner. With a huge chunk of apps that can efficiently perform the note-taking tasks, it is very difficult to find a right one that can meet your needs and requirements precisely.
In this article, you will read about the top 5 note-taking apps that can eventually turn your Android device into a full-time planner and record keeper.
1. Evernote
Evernote is a free app that can be easily downloaded from Google Play on your PC connected to the Internet. The main feature of this note-taking app is that it helps you in keeping the record or taking notes of everything to make them available across all the devices you use. The app is designed to keep a user organized, save their ideas and enhance the productivity in a few simple taps or clicks. This app is efficient in taking notes, capturing photos, creating to-do lists, recording voice reminders for occasions, meetings, and other important events. The excellent management feature incorporated within the app lets you search these notes with a single or partial search term. Once installed, you can easily use it when you are at home, at work, or on the go.
Exciting features

Create or edit text notes, to-do lists and task lists

Sync all of your notes across all the PCs and devices you use

Save, sync and share files

Search for text using a search term

Email notes and save tweets

Capture, browse, search, and share Business Notes on/from your Smartphone or tablet.

Share notes via Facebook and Twitter
2. OneNote by Microsoft
Microsoft has again given a new momentum to its potentials and hardships that are engaged in creating a good customer base across all the IT sections. This note-taking app is here to help you while keeping a record of all your thoughts and discoveries. OneNote serves you as your very own digital notebook on which you can easily record your thoughts, important events, ideas, discussions, reminders and many such things. You can capture your immediate reactions, thoughtful ideas and sayings, a list of important things to be done, or the plain old note that you are likely to forget. Owing to your electronic gadget, your notes will now travel with you no matter where you go, or at what time you access.
Exciting features

Sync your digital notebook across computers, peripherals, and devices

Quickly capture photo, audio and other quick notes with Home screen widgets without opening the app

Performs various text related functions such as bold, underline, italicize, increase indent, highlight, decrease indent and format the way you want

Search your notes by typing a keyword or phrase

Easy shopping experience as you can mark items off wherever you are

Click pictures of receipts and bills for future reference
3. Papyrus
Papyrus is one of the renowned note-taking apps that allow you to naturally write on the device screen in your actual handwriting. You can use it just like you write on a paper, but with a much more flexibility convenience. The app takes handwritten notes on your Android device by using an active pen, passive stylus, or even your finger. The application is based on vector graphics engine that keeps your notes neat, organized and presentable even at any zoom level. The app possesses simple and intuitive user interface (UI) that enables a user to take notes quickly and efficiently.
Exciting features

Take notes naturally in your handwriting

Write with your finger or passive stylus

Easily do Undo/redo, select, move, and resize

Cut, copy, and paste support

Two-finger scroll and pinch-to-zoom

Import, crop, and resize you images

Share notes via email, Evernote, and other services
4. Springpad
Introduced with the basic agenda of getting organized and getting inspired, Springpad is an ideal solution for users who have just started using a note-taking app. The app is a free personal organizer that helps you to save and organize tasks, recipes, notes, movies and more. It's easy-to-use interface and less complex features make it a popular choice of beginners. The app gives you full freedom to access or save your notes from anywhere and on any device.
Exciting features

Create notes at home and at work

Share your notes with friends, family and co-workers

Save details, schedules, suggestions and even tickets while travelling to another destination

Save or bookmark videos and articles to view them later

Manage your personal or work to-do lists and set reminder alerts.
5. Simplenote
The award-winning Simplenote is another handy solution to keep notes, manage lists, record ideas, and much more. Its immense integration with cloud computing allows your notes to stay in sync with all of your devices for free. The app is widely accepted for its speed and efficiency that ensure the safe and proper record taking process. All you need to do is open it, write thoughts, save, and you're done. You can search the collection of notes instantly by using a simple search term and keep them organized with tags and pins.
The above mentioned are some of the majorly accepted note-taking apps used by Android users located around the world. Google Keep, Catch notes, Any do, Lecture Notes, Note Anytime, and Write by Stylus Labs are some of the other such apps. Many of you might realize the need of having a special app to take notes, but you will love the comfort once you'll download them and start using it. You will need a computer, Smartphone or a tablet to fulfill your needs related to entertainment, work, information and others, but this app will help to stay organized.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Catching On - A Closer Look At Successful Viral Engagement

What exactly is something that's "gone viral" and why do some things "go viral" while others don't? Can this be predicted, or is it completely up to a whim or some ethereal "x factor" that some things have and others just don't?
The Facts of ( Viral ) Life So what does viral mean? Viral refers to something that self-propagates, or in the marketing sense, something that spreads by word of mouth, peer-to-peer, as opposed to strictly from an official advertisement.

Going viral is valuable because the intended audience does all the heavy advertising work for you, ideally at an exponential rate. This saves money and resources in advertising costs and usually means more potent audience penetration; people are more apt to believe their peers than an advertisement.

People like to hear themselves talk, not be talked at. So when someone with similar interests whose opinion you hold in high regard recommends something, you are more likely to follow up on that suggestion than if you received that same call-to-action from some generic public advertisement.

Viral advertising or marketing is any specific advertisement or campaign that is ultimately intended to go viral. Usually these campaigns are highly unorthodox or creatively unusual in order to become virally spread. In fact, many campaigns even appear as "real" or non-commercial in order to gain more viral effect.

Viral engagement is a more accurate term and perspective towards viral marketing. Because viral campaigns depend on an intimately enraptured audience to spread its exposure, this type of marketing isn't just a typical "advertise once, then done." It's more of a continuous dialog, and as such the nature of the campaign in progress may even evolve or radically change in order to retain its audience and/or attract more.

It is less of a campaign towards a target and more of a dialog.
If traditional marketing is a lecture, then viral engagement is a keenly interesting conversation. There's contribution, reaction, and progress from both parties, not just the initial speaker.
So Catchy So the next question is what makes something viral? The better question is, what makes something worth sharing? And the most key question of them all is, why would you, yes you, share something?

Going viral is most known on the Web, but really it applies everywhere. What is it about a movie that compels you to recommend it to a friend? Or for that matter, not to recommend it? Or a book, or a restaurant? Is it because that TV show or hotel was of any decency?

Or was it simply because you were asked about your experiences with it?
Why would you pass on some piece of content to a friend? Is it because it made you laugh? Made you cry? Made you emotional? Was it scandalous? Did it make your curious? Was it greatly informative, perhaps on a topic you had no prior interest in or even knew existed?

Did this content stump you, surprise you, or shock you? Or was it crafted so beautifully, maybe in itself is such a thing of beauty and art, that you had to share it with others? Or maybe, you simply wanted someone else to experience what you just experienced, to feel like you did.

Maybe you are trying to initiate an empathic session, so that then you can bond together afterwards by benefit of the mutual experience.

So which one is it?
Why, all of them. Maybe even all at the same time.
Sequencing The DNA So how can this be harnessed? How can we predict what will go viral and what won't? And more importantly, how can we create something that will deliberately go viral? That is the challenge, after all, and the reason why any Grail is so often sought is precisely because it is so difficult to obtain.

The most obvious approach is to make something that you would likely want to share. Ah, but personal tastes are so subjective. After all, who could've guessed that the current and past trends ever became, well, trendy! So we then look to the polls, surveys, demographics and analytics.
We look at history, at what worked and failed before, to try and draft together some sort of gauge.
Unfortunately, while viral marketers toil on this, their predecessors in the cinema, television, literary, and music industries have already long been at it. If there was any universal, all-time magic formula it has yet to be found. All anyone knows is that good things prosper and bad things don't but quality is only determined in hindsight.

While there are some loose guidelines, the exceptional nature of viral success has always been that the exception always seems to come up from behind. And many times the exception can be its own exception.
Cracking The Code But there is one guideline that I believe comes closest to becoming a rule. If there is one dominant, persistent factor in any viral content, whether original commercial or not, it is this: it has to be content first. Content is, and always will be, king.

Even viral advertisements, while obviously for commercial purposes, became spread as they did because people valued them as pieces of content, not just as ads.
People don't talk about Super Bowl ads around the water cooler because they love the brand and wish to espouse it. They talk because the commercial made them laugh, made them sentimental, made them experience. And they want to see if others shared in that experience.

The brand just happened to be within that experience, but what made the commercial worth talking about -- worth sharing -- was the experience of watching the commercial.
People recommend movies and music to their peers not because they want to support the brand, but because they were engaged by the content and think their friends would be similarly engaged. Then they can engage one another in their mutual engagement of the content.

The point is viral material must be worthwhile content, even if it serves little to no direction in terms of being an ad. It may actually be a terrible ad by advertising standards. But as long as it is engaging enough content, people will like it. In fact, they may like it more because it's not an ad.
In fact, the less "broadcasting-lecture" it is and the more "hey, look at this" the better.

People want something they can experience, and then in turn let others experience.
It Hits You Hard So how does one go about creating the right content to properly plant the seeds of a viral experience? Again, this is more difficult to pinpoint, as even terrible quality content manages to go viral. Is there a gauge that helps determine what content is good enough and what isn't?
Not really. The only constant that can be found is one that creates an experience in the user, and that is something both "good" stuff and "bad" stuff can provide.

The x-factor remains elusive, and has been in all the mediums. And the reason why it always will remain so is because experience itself is subjective and ever-changing. Tastes evolve and revolve, both because of experiences and by causing experiences. The only thing that can be harnessed is the generation of experience itself.

Give the audience something they'll never forget and they'll never forget to share.

What do you think about viral exposure and experience? Are there other sides to the x-factor that can be used?